John Gavaris

2021-2024: Chair, Ways & Means Committee

2024: Chair, Audit Committee

District No. 15 - Town of Wawarsing, Village of Ellenville

Contact Information

Post Office Box 1800
Kingston, NY 12402
(914) 388-3665

Legislative Information

Party Enrollment: 
Party Affiliation: 

Background -+

Legislator John Gavaris grew up in the Village of Ellenville and still lives there today.  Growing up in a single parent household, John remembers the neighborly support that he and his family received.  The saying “It takes a village to raise a child” is one that really resonates for him.  It has been the impetus for his many years of community service and why he advocates for the youth of his community, to this day. 

John, at 17 years old, first became involved by helping Community Action, in Ellenville.  He and others would take monthly trips to pick up cases of food, in NYC.  They would bring the bulk items back and they would be dispersed to families in need.  At age 21, John was asked if he would be interested in serving on the Ellenville/Wawarsing Youth Commission, to which he enthusiastically agreed.  John continues to be involved in his community and is a member of several committees and organizations.  John is a 20 year member of the Ellenville/Wawarsing Youth Commission, a member of the Hunt Memorial Preservation Committee, Cragsmoor Association, Chairman of the Ellenville/Wawarsing 4th of July Committee and the Ellenville First Aid & Rescue Squad.  While John feels that all of his various endeavors are important, the most important and rewarding is his 18 years of active service with the Ellenville First Aid & Rescue Squad.  He volunteers as an EMT, running calls every Sunday night, as well serving as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.  “Is it easy waking up at 2am, to go on a call?  No, but when you are able to help someone who is having an emergency, you don’t mind the sacrifice.”

In high school, as a Participation in Government class assignment, John attended a Town Board meeting.  While most students would be watching the clock, waiting for the meeting to be over, John recalls being captivated by it all.  He continued to go to Town and Village Board meetings, occasionally.  At 22 years old, John decided he wanted to run for Village Trustee.  With the advice, help and support of his friend and mentor, Joe Stoeckeler, he began his journey into government.  After a long campaign, against two incumbent candidates, John was elected as a Village of Ellenville Trustee.  He was the youngest person to ever hold that position.  Two years later, John sought a Town of Wawarsing Council seat.  He was successfully elected and was again the youngest person to ever hold that seat.  He served 8 years on the Town Board.  About two years ago, John returned to the Village Board and served until taking office in the Ulster County Legislature.

In his professional life, John has worked for the Ellenville Regional Hospital for the last 20 years.  He is currently the Director of Support Services and the Corporate Compliance Officer.  John’s role at the Hospital, centers on expense reduction, operational efficiency and effectiveness.  As the Compliance Officer, he is especially focused on preventing and detecting fraud, waste, abuse and ethical violations.  He is vigilant in ensuring equal application of laws, rules and policies for everyone. 

As a Legislator, John wants to focus his attentions on tourism, governmental efficiency/effectiveness and economic development.  He believes that Ulster County’s, location, history, beauty and natural resources make it an amazing place for people to come and experience.  John loves to kayak, hike, run and ski.  He believes that Ulster County has the some of the best places in the world for these activities and we should be promoting them.  As a fiscal conservative, John feels that it is a great disservice to the tax payers when money is ineffectively spent or services are inefficiently performed.  He would like to see a standardized program of Shared Services, with the Towns, Villages and Schools, throughout the County.  With economic development, John believes that we need to focus on both short term and long term growth.  John feels that too often we focus so hard on the here and now, that we do so at the expense of the long term success of our area.  Short term efforts should be in done in consideration of long term goals. 

“I have been fortunate enough to receive the confidence of my community, who elected me to serve as an Ulster County Legislator.  I will work bipartisanly with the other Legislators, to make Ulster County a great place to visit, work and raise a family.” 

Additional Information -+

Ellenville First Aid & Rescue Squad, EMT & Board Chairman

Ellenville/Wawarsing Youth Commission, Committee Member

Ellenville/Wawarsing 4th of July Committee, Chairman

Hunt Memorial Preservation Commission, Board Member

Cragsmoor Association, Member

Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE), Member and CCEP

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA), Member and CHC

jump to:  absent

2024-2025 Attendance


Meeting of the
Tue, Sep 17, 2024
Meeting of the
Thu, Sep 12, 2024
Thu, Sep 12, 2024
Meeting of the
Tue, Aug 20, 2024
Thu, Aug 15, 2024
Meeting of the
Thu, Aug 15, 2024
Meeting of the
Tue, Jul 16, 2024
Meeting of the
Thu, Jul 11, 2024
Thu, Jul 11, 2024
Meeting of the
Tue, Jun 18, 2024


No absences recorded

jump to:  absent

Attendance from previous terms



Meeting of the
Thu, Dec 21, 2023
Meeting of the
Mon, Dec 18, 2023
Meeting of the
Mon, Dec 18, 2023
Meeting of the
Mon, Dec 18, 2023
Meeting of the
Tue, Dec 12, 2023
Meeting of the
Wed, Dec 6, 2023
Meeting of the
Wed, Dec 6, 2023
Wed, Nov 29, 2023
Tue, Nov 21, 2023
Mon, Nov 20, 2023


Meeting of the
Tue, Dec 21, 2021
Tue, Dec 21, 2021
Tue, Dec 7, 2021
Meeting of the
Thu, Dec 2, 2021
Thu, Dec 2, 2021
Tue, Nov 23, 2021
Mon, Nov 22, 2021



Tue, Mar 7, 2023
Thu, Sep 21, 2023


Meeting of the
Thu, Nov 5, 2020

jump to voted:  no | abstained | no vote

2024-2025 Votes

Yes Votes

Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 441.1
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 458.1
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 465
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 466
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 467
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 468 As Amended
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 471
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 472
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 473
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 474
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 475
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 476
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 477
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 478
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 479
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 481
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 482
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 483
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 484
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 485

No Votes

Vote Not Recorded

No votes recorded

Sponsored legislation from previous terms


  • Setting A Public Hearing On Proposed Local Law No. 20 Of 2023, A Local Law Amending Article XIII Collection Of Delinquent Real Property Taxes, Of The Code Of The County Of Ulster, In Relation To Authorization, To Be Held On Thursday, January 4, 2024 At 7:00 PM
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $71,355.22 Entered Into By The County – Naviant, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $80,640.00 Entered Into By The County – CuraLinc Healthcare – Personnel Department
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Former Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Advancement Of Capital Projects For The Ulster County Community College – Ulster County Community College
  • Adopting Ulster County Capital Program For 2024 - 2029
  • Adopting The Ulster County Budget For Fiscal Year Commencing January 1, 2024 And Making Appropriations For The Conduct Of County Government
  • Approving Completed Tax Rolls And Directing The Execution Of Delivery Of Warrants
  • Levy For Unpaid Water Rents
  • Levy For Unpaid Sewer Rents
  • Ratification Of Tax Rolls
  • Authorizing Distribution Of Mortgage Tax Receipts Pursuant To Section 261 Of The Tax Law
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $228,100.63 Entered Into By The County – NTS Data Services, LLC – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $96,117.92 Entered Into By The County – Tyler Technologies, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $77,000.00 Entered Into By The County – PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP. – Legislature
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $25,000.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Superior Telephone Systems, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $20,000.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Next Step Digital, LLC – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $30,075.95, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – AssetWorks LLC – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $28,000.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Bonadio & Co., LLP – Department Of Finance
  • Establishing County Equalization Rates For The Year 2024 Levy
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Former Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Ulster County Commissioner Of Finance To Accept Redemption Offers Relative To Payment Of Real Property Taxes In The 2021 In Rem Foreclosure Proceeding – Department Of Finance
  • Accepting The Accounting Of Unpaid School Taxes For The 2023-2024 School Year, Directing Payment To The School Districts And Directing Re-Levying Pursuant To Real Property Tax Law – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Commissioner of Finance To Accept A Bid For A Parcel Of County-Owned Real Property For Private Sale And Authorizing The Chairman Of The Ulster County Legislature To Convey Such Parcel - Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $332,940.95 Entered Into By The County – Tyler Technologies, Inc. – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $167,238.08 Entered Into By The County – Gioia P. Ambrette, Inc. d/b/a Newcastle Communications – Information Services
  • Amending The 2023 - 2028 Capital Improvement Program - Amending Capital Project No. 645 – Renovation Of 21 Elizabeth Street – Elizabeth Manor Emergency Housing
  • Amending The 2023 - 2028 Capital Improvement Program - Amending Capital Project No. 645 – Renovation Of 21 Elizabeth Street – Elizabeth Manor Emergency Housing
  • Amending The 2023 - 2028 Capital Improvement Program - Amending Capital Project No. 645 – Renovation Of 21 Elizabeth Street – Elizabeth Manor Emergency Housing
  • Amending The 2023 - 2028 Capital Improvement Program - Amending Capital Project No. 645 – Renovation Of 21 Elizabeth Street – Elizabeth Manor Emergency Housing
  • Amending The 2023 - 2028 Capital Improvement Program - Amending Capital Project No. 645 – Renovation Of 21 Elizabeth Street – Elizabeth Manor Emergency Housing
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $130,090.00 Entered Into By The County – Baker Tilly US, LLP – Personnel
  • Amending The 2023 Ulster County Budget To Fund A Salary Study – Department Of Personnel
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $9,815.80, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Eaton Corporation – Information Services
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The Dutchess County Department Of Behavioral & Community Health - Department Of Mental Health
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Amending Resolution No. 286 Of 1968, Adopted February 13, 1969, Imposing Taxes On Sales And Uses Of Tangible Personal Property And Of Certain Services And On Occupancy Of Hotel Rooms And On Amusement Charges, Pursuant To Article 29 Of The Tax Law Of The State Of New York, As Amended On Various...
  • Amending The Ulster County Capital Asset Policies
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $150,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Periscope Holdings, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $355,500.00 Entered Into By The County – Info Quick Solutions, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment $195,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Freer Abstract, Inc. – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The County Of Ulster Pursuant To Section 4 Of The Sales Tax Agreement With The City Of Kingston To Increase The Allocation Of Sales Tax Distributed To The Towns – Department Of Finance
  • Adopting Proposed Local Law No. 8 Of 2023, A Local Law Amending The Ulster County Charter, (Local Law No. 2 Of 2006), And Amending The Administrative Code For The County Of Ulster, (Local Law No. 10 Of 2008), To Provide Enhanced Transparency And Accountability Over County Finances
  • Establishing A Policy To Provide Legislators With Restricted Access To The New World Financial Management System
  • Establishing A Policy To Provide Legislators With Restricted Access To The New World Financial Management System
  • Establishing A Policy To Provide Legislators With Restricted Access To The New World Financial Management System
  • Establishing A Policy To Provide Legislators With Restricted Access To The New World Financial Management System
  • Setting A Public Hearing On Proposed Local Law No. 8 Of 2023, A Local Law Amending The Ulster County Charter, (Local Law No. 2 Of 2006), And Amending The Administrative Code For The County Of Ulster, (Local Law No. 10 Of 2008), To Provide Enhanced Transparency And Accountability Over County...
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Properties To The Original Owners – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $55,575.00, Entered Into By The County – Capital Market Advisors, LLC – Legislature
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The City Of Kingston, Where The County Is A Subrecipient Of The City’s ARPA-SLFRF Funds, For The Renovation Of Elizabeth Manor, Department Of Finance, Division Of Recovery And Resilience
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The City Of Kingston, Where The County Is A Subrecipient Of The City’s ARPA-SLFRF Funds, For The Renovation Of Elizabeth Manor, Department Of Finance, Division Of Recovery And Resilience
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The City Of Kingston, Where The County Is A Subrecipient Of The City’s ARPA-SLFRF Funds, For The Renovation Of Elizabeth Manor, Department Of Finance, Division Of Recovery And Resilience
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The City Of Kingston, Where The County Is A Subrecipient Of The City’s ARPA-SLFRF Funds, For The Renovation Of Elizabeth Manor, Department Of Finance, Division Of Recovery And Resilience
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The City Of Kingston, Where The County Is A Subrecipient Of The City’s ARPA-SLFRF Funds, For The Renovation Of Elizabeth Manor, Department Of Finance, Division Of Recovery And Resilience
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The City Of Kingston, Where The County Is A Subrecipient Of The City’s ARPA-SLFRF Funds, For The Renovation Of Elizabeth Manor, Department Of Finance, Division Of Recovery And Resilience
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The City Of Kingston, Where The County Is A Subrecipient Of The City’s ARPA-SLFRF Funds, For The Renovation Of Elizabeth Manor, Department Of Finance, Division Of Recovery And Resilience
  • Confirming The Appointment Of Roseann Daw As Commissioner Of Finance
  • Adopting The Ulster County Debt Management Policy
  • Approving Home Rule Request For Senate Bill No. S6446 And Assembly Bill No. A6688 Authorizing Ulster County To Continue The Additional 1% Rate Of Its Sales And Compensating Use Tax For Twenty-Four Additional Months
  • Authorizing Distribution Of Mortgage Tax Receipts Pursuant To Section 261 Of The Tax Law
  • Establishing A Policy To Waive All Exam Fees For Ulster County – Amending The 2023 County Budget – Department Of Personnel
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $10,000.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Naviant Inc. – Department of Information Services
  • Amending The 2023 County Budget To Defund Two Grant Positions In The Finance Department, And Fund Two Grant Positions in the Budget Division – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $96,306.15 Entered Into By The County – Sedara LLC – Department of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $84,753.38 Entered Into By The County – Gimmal LLC – Department of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $23,516.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. – Department of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $80,000.00 Entered Into By The County – CB20 Inc. F/K/A Computer Professional International Inc. – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $134,546.68 Entered Into By The County – Buffalo Computer Graphics, Inc. – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $96,030.00 Entered Into By The County – Facsimile Communications Industries, Inc. D/B/A Atlantic Tomorrows Office – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $73,707.00 Entered Into By The County – APCO International – Information Services
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Enter Into Agreements With The Villages Of Ellenville, New Paltz, And Saugerties Relating To The Enforcement Of Real Property Tax Liens Under Article 11, Sections 1102, 1110 And 1150 Of The New York State Real Property Tax Law – Department...
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $8,800.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Trapeze Software Group, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $111,240.00 Entered Into By The County – ClearGov, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $64,880.00 Entered Into By The County – AssetWorks LLC – Department Of Information Services
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Agreement, And Any Amendments Thereto, With The New York State Division Of Homeland Security And Emergency Services For Participation In The FY2020 Cyber Security Grant Program – Department Of Information Services


  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $539,314.48 Entered Into By The County – Granicus LLC – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $66,376.95 Entered Into By The County – Naviant, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Authorizing An Inter-Municipal Agreement For The Provision Of End-Point-Protection And Response Services Between NYS Office Of Information Technology, NYS DHSES And Ulster County Department Of Information Services – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Advancement Of Capital Projects For The Ulster County Community College – Ulster County Community College
  • Adopting Ulster County Capital Program For 2023 - 2028
  • Adopting The Ulster County Budget For Fiscal Year Commencing January 1, 2023 And Making Appropriations For The Conduct Of County Government
  • Authorizing Commissioner Of Finance To Make Transfers Of Funds And Budgetary Amendments
  • Approving Completed Tax Rolls And Directing The Execution Of Delivery Of Warrants
  • Levy For Unpaid Water Rents
  • Levy For Unpaid Sewer Rents
  • Ratification Of Tax Rolls
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $389,275.00 Entered Into By The County – Systems East, Inc. – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Ulster County Commissioner Of Finance To Reject And Refund The Purchase Price On Two Parcels Of Property Previously Sold At Public Auction
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $630,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Robert G. Relph Agency, Inc., D/B/A Relph Benefit Advisors – Department Of Personnel
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $106,239.92 Entered Into By The County – Tyler Technologies, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $20,000.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Next Step Digital, LLC – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $167,238.08 Entered Into By The County – Newcastle Communications – Department Of Information Services
  • Authorizing Distribution Of Mortgage Tax Receipts Pursuant To Section 261 Of The Tax Law
  • Authorizing The Reacquisition Of Residential Property To Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $26,618.40, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Assetworks LLC – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $75,000.00 Entered Into By The County – PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP – Legislature
  • Authorizing The Purchase And Implementation Of A Real Property Tax Collection And Delinquency Enforcement System, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $550,000.00, And Authorizing The Issuance Of $550,000.00 Bonds Of Said County To Pay The Cost Thereof
  • HOLD FOR BOND - Establishing Capital Project No. 564 – Purchase And Implementation Of A Real Property Tax Collection & Delinquency Enforcement System - Amending The 2022 Capital Fund Budget – Department Of Finance
  • Establishing Capital Project No. 564 – Purchase And Implementation Of A Real Property Tax Collection & Delinquency Enforcement System - Amending The 2022 Capital Fund Budget – Department Of Finance
  • Establishing Capital Project No. 564 – Purchase And Implementation Of A Real Property Tax Collection & Delinquency Enforcement System - Amending The 2022 Capital Fund Budget – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Convey Parcels Of County Owned Property Acquired Pursuant To Article 11 Of the Real Property Tax Law For Unpaid Taxes To The Town Of New Paltz For Public Use And Benefit – Department Of Finance
  • Establishing County Equalization Rates For The Year 2023 Levy
  • Authorizing The Ulster County Commissioner Of Finance To Accept Redemption Offers Relative To Payment Of Real Property Taxes In The 2020 In Rem Foreclosure Proceeding – Department Of Finance
  • Accepting The Accounting Of Unpaid School Taxes For The 2022-2023 School Year, Directing Payment To The School Districts And Directing Re-Levying Pursuant To Real Property Tax Law – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $195,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Freer Abstract, Inc. – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $82,043.28 Entered Into By The County – Vicom Computer Services, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $11,366.61, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00, Entered Into By The County – Eaton Corporation – Department Of Information Services
  • Authorizing The County Of Ulster To Increase The Allocation Of Sales Tax Distributed To The Towns Pursuant To Section 4 Of The Sales Tax Agreement With The City Of Kingston – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement For The Sharing Of Information Relating To Short-Term Rental Properties With The Town Of Lloyd – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $295,188.26, Entered Into By The County – Tyler Technologies, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Adopting Revised Ulster County Fund Balance Policy
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $89,752.85 Entered Into By The County – National Business Equipment – Department Of Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $60,000.00 Entered Into By The County – CB20 Inc. F/K/A Computer Professionals International Inc. – Information Services
  • Authorizing The Commissioner Of Finance To Accept And Reject Bids For Purchase Of Parcels Of County-Owned Property At The April 19, 2022 Public Auction - Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Commissioner Of Finance To Accept A Bid For A Parcel Of County-Owned Real Property For Private Sale And Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Convey Such Parcel - Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Establishing And Reporting The Standard Work Day For Elected And Appointed Officials
  • Establishing And Reporting The Standard Work Day For Elected And Appointed Officials
  • Authorizing Distribution Of Mortgage Tax Receipts Pursuant To Section 261 Of The Tax Law
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $55,200.00 Entered Into By The County – Capital Markets Advisors, LLC – Legislature
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $14,362.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Tracker Software Corporation Inc D/B/A PubWorks – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $1,374,887.64 Entered Into By The County – LA Dell Marketing LP – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $23,480.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $917,568.00 Entered Into By The County – Atlantic Tomorrow's Office – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $252,477.12 Entered Into By The County – West Publishing Corporation, Thomson Reuters – Information Services
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $27,556.00, Causing The Aggregate Contract Plus Amendment Amount To Be In Excess Of $50,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Tyler Technologies, Inc. – Department Of Information Services
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Enter Into Agreements With The Villages Of Ellenville, New Paltz, And Saugerties Relating To The Enforcement Of Real Property Tax Liens Under Article 11, Sections 1102, 1110 and 1150 Of The New York State Real Property Tax Law – Department...
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections


  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $210,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Robert G. Relph Agency, Inc. D/B/A Relph Benefit Advisors – Department Of Personnel
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $320,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Roemer Wallens Gold & Mineaux LLP – Department Of Personnel
  • Amending The 2021 Ulster County Budget – Memorandum Of Agreement Between The County Of Ulster And The Ulster County Sheriff’s Employees Association, For The Period Of March 15, 2020 Through June 6, 2020
  • Amending The 2022 Budget For ARPA Related Expenses – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Amending The 2021 Ulster County Budget – Memorandum Of Agreement Between The County Of Ulster And The Ulster County Staff Association, For The Period Of Mach 15, 2020 Through June 6, 2020
  • Authorizing Distribution Of Mortgage Tax Receipts Pursuant To Section 261 Of The Tax Law
  • Adopting Ulster County Capital Program For 2022 - 2027
  • Adopting The Ulster County Budget For Fiscal Year Commencing January 1, 2022 And Making Appropriations For The Conduct Of County Government
  • Authorizing Commissioner Of Finance To Make Transfers Of Funds And Budgetary Amendments
  • Approving Completed Tax Rolls And Directing The Execution Of Delivery Of Warrants
  • Levy For Unpaid Water Rents
  • Levy For Unpaid Sewer Rents
  • Ratification Of Tax Rolls
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Convey Parcels Of County-Owned Property Acquired Pursuant To Article 11 Of The Real Property Tax Law For Unpaid Taxes To The Town Of New Paltz For Public Use And Benefit – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Property To The Original Owner – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Ulster County Commissioner Of Finance To Refund The Purchase Price On A Parcel Of Property Previously Sold At Public Auction
  • Confirming The Reappointment Of Dawn Spader As Personnel Director
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Properties To The Original Owners – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement For The Sharing Of Information Relating To Short-Term Rental Properties With The Town Of Saugerties – Department Of Finance
  • Establishing County Equalization Rates For The Year 2022 Levy
  • Approving The Memorandum Of Agreement Between The County Of Ulster And The Ulster County Staff Association, For The Years 2021, 2022, 2023 And 2024 – Amending The 2021 Ulster County Budget
  • Amending The 2021 Ulster County Budget – Settlement Between The County Of Ulster And The Ulster County Civil Service Employees Association, For The Period Of March 15, 2020 Through June 6, 2020
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $419,634.00 Entered Into By The County – The Palombo Group Inc.– Department Of Public Works
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract For $722,430.25 Entered Into By The County – Urbahn Architects PLLC – Department Of Public Works
  • Authorizing Design And Planning Costs In Connection With The Construction Of An Ulster County Public Safety Communications Building, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $1,353,624.00, And Authorizing The Issuance Of $1,353,624.00 Bonds Of Said County To Pay The...
  • Amending The 2021 - 2026 Capital Improvement Program – Establishing Capital Project No. 607 Government Operations Center – Amending The 2021 Capital Fund Budget –– Department Of Public Works (Buildings & Grounds)
  • Authorizing The Ulster County Commissioner Of Finance To Accept Redemption Offers Relative To Payment Of Real Property Taxes In The 2019 In Rem Foreclosure Proceeding
  • Accepting The Accounting Of Unpaid School Taxes For The 2021-2022 School Year, Directing Payment To The School Districts And Directing Re-Levying Pursuant To Real Property Tax Law – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Authorizing The Termination Of A Lease Agreement With CPR Kingston, LLC Bank For Space Used By The Board Of Elections
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $195,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Freer Abstract, Inc. – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Commissioner Of Finance To Accept And Reject Bids For Purchase Of Parcels Of County-Owned Property At The June 14, 2021 Public Auction - Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Properties To The Original Owners – Department Of Finance
  • Amending The 2021 - 2026 Capital Improvement Program – Establishing Capital Project Nos. 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, And 604 Ulster County Recovery And Resiliency Projects – Amending The 2021 Capital Fund Budget – Department Of Finance
  • Amending The 2021 Ulster County Budget To Add Additional Positions To Administer The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – Department Of Finance
  • Amending The 2021 Ulster County Budget To Adjust The Salary Of The Director Of Budget And Innovation – Budget and Innovation Division
  • Approving The Memorandum Of Agreement Between The County Of Ulster And The Ulster County Civil Service Employees Association, For The Years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 And 2024 – Amending The 2021 Ulster County Budget
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Properties To The Original Owners – Department Of Finance
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $65,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Drescher & Malecki, LLP – Legislature
  • Confirming The Appointment Of Dawn Spader As Personnel Director
  • Authorizing Distribution Of Mortgage Tax Receipts Pursuant To Section 261 Of The Tax Law
  • Authorizing The Issuance Pursuant To Section 90.00 And/Or Section 90.10 Of The Local Finance Law Of Refunding Bonds Of The County Of Ulster, New York, To Be Designated Substantially “Public Improvements Refunding (Serial) Bonds”, And Providing For Other Matters In Relation Thereto And The Payment...
  • Setting A Public Hearing On Tentative Budget Of Ulster County Community College For The Year 2021-2022 To Be Held On Tuesday, July 13, 2021 At 6:05 PM
  • Approving The Execution Of A Contract Amendment For $55,200.00 Entered Into By The County – Capital Market Advisors, LLC – Legislature
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Properties To The Original Owners – Department Of Finance
  • Authorizing The Conveyance Of County-Owned Properties To The Original Owners – Department Of Finance


  • Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement For The Sharing Of Information Relating To Short-Term Rental Properties With The Town Of Wawarsing – Department Of Finance

This legislator has no sponsored legislation.

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