Resolution No. 81

Amending The 2024 Ulster County Budget To Appropriate ARPA Funding To The Village Of Ellenville To Sustain Governmental Services Threatened By The COVID-19 Pandemic

Resolution Information




Referred to: The American Rescue Plan Act Special Committee (Chairman Corcoran and Legislators Clinton, Levine, Lopez, and Sperry), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Collins, Hansut, Kovacs, Nolan, and Roberts)


Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, John Gavaris, offers the following:


WHEREAS, the United States Department of Treasury notified Ulster County that funding for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is available in the amount of $34,491,474.00; and


WHEREAS, the purpose of the ARPA is to support urgent COVID-19 response efforts to continue to decrease the spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control; and  


WHEREAS, the ARPA further seeks to replace lost public sector revenue to strengthen support for vital public services and help retain jobs; and


WHEREAS, the ARPA also seeks to support immediate economic stabilization for households and businesses; and


WHEREAS, the ARPA seeks to address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the unequal impact of the pandemic; and


WHEREAS, state, county and municipal governments are charged with providing governmental services, including general governmental administration and public safety services, including police and fire departments (See U.S. Department of Treasury of the Treasury, Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Overview of the Final Rule, Pg. 11 et. seq.); and


WHEREAS, basic governmental administration, maintenance of administrative facilities, staff and public safety services benefit the County and local communities across the County; and


WHEREAS, the Village of Ellenville has incurred negative economic impacts which were exacerbated by the pandemic and require additional and immediate assistance for the continuance of government services, including public safety; and







WHEREAS, Resolution No. 167 of 2022 established Capital Project No. 630 – Jail Demolition Golden Hill ARPA in the amount of $1,500,000.00, and that project is now complete with a remaining budgetary appropriation of $37,753.00; and


          WHEREAS, Resolution No. 332 of 2021 created three positions for the administration of ARPA programs, and Position No. 13101510, Assistant to the Director of Recovery and Resilience, is currently vacant and two months of attrition savings in the amount of $10,782.00 is anticipated to be achieved; and


WHEREAS, Ulster County has approximately $129,581.00 of ARPA funds remaining unassigned to a specific project or purpose; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature hereby finds it necessary and appropriate to allocate $178,116.00 in ARPA funds to the Village of Ellenville (the “Village”), so that the Village may continue to provide necessary governmental services as it continues to recover from negative economic impacts exacerbated by the pandemic; now, therefore, be it  


RESOLVED, that the 2024-2029 Ulster County Capital Improvement Program is hereby amended as follows:


                                                  DECREASE                              AMOUNT


HH.8097.0630-2300.2550            Construction                               $37,753.00



HH.8097.0630-3400.4995            Federal Aid, ARPA                     $37,753.00



and, be it further


RESOLVED, that the 2024 Ulster County Budget is hereby amended as follows: 


                                                  DECREASE                              AMOUNT


AA.1310.1079-1300.1300            Regular Pay                                $10,016.00





AA.1310.1079-8010.8010            Social Security / FICA                 $     766.00



AA.1310.1079-3400.4095            Federal Aid, ARPA                     $ 10,782.00



                                                  INCREASE                      AMOUNT


AA.1310.1089-4600.466              Misc. Contractual – Other               $178,116.00



AA.1310.1089-3400.4095            Federal Aid, ARPA                         $178,116.00                                    



and, be it further


          RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature is hereby authorized to execute any required Intermunicipal Agreements, and any amendments, to deliver the funds to the Village of Ellenville; and, be it further


          RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance is authorized and directed to make any payments to the Village of Ellenville pursuant to said Agreements or this legislation,


and move its adoption.




AYES:                       NOES:    


Passed Committee: American Rescue Plan Act on ______________.


Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ______________.





Current Text: PDF



Updated: February 27, 2024

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
