Current Legislative Committees

  • Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    Dedicated to the investment and allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds utilized to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery; and shall be responsible for reviewing any and all proposals related to the expenditure of ARPA funds prior to forwarding to any Standing Committees of jurisdiction.

    Committee Live Streams can be watched HERE.

    Dedicated to the investment and allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds utilized to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    Charter Section C-11.1 There shall be an Audit Committee consisting of seven (7) members: The Chairman of the Legislature or his/her designee will serve on and chair the committee and will appoint two (2) additional members, at least one of whom must be a County Legislator; the minority leader will appoint two (2) members, at least one of whom must be a County Legislator; the County Executive or designee; the Comptroller or designee. The County Executive and the Comptroller shall be non-voting members.  It shall take the affirmative action of three out of the five voting members to act.

    The Audit Committee shall: (1) select the independent auditor to perform the annual audit of the books and records of the County; (2) select the independent auditor in a fashion consistent with the County’s existing procurement policy and the Audit Committee shall consult with the Director of Purchasing in this respect; and (3) report the independent auditor’s findings to the Legislature, County Executive and County Comptroller. 

    Committee Live Streams can be found HERE.

    Charter Section C-11.1 There shall be an Audit Committee consisting of seven (7) members: The Chairman of the Legislature or his/her designee will serve on and chair the committee and will a

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    The Legislature may, at any time when in session, except when a motion of precedence has been named, and with the consent of the Minority Leader or Deputy Minority Leader or otherwise by vote of 2/3 of the members of the Legislature then in attendance may resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole on any subject.  In such case, the Chairperson of the Legislature shall appoint a Legislator to serve as Chairperson of the Committee of the Whole. A Resolution passed by the Committee of the Whole need not be passed by any other Committee.

    The Legislature may, at any time when in session, except when a motion of precedence has been named, and with the consent of the Minority Leader or Deputy Minority Leader or otherwise by vot

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    To set legislative policy and review contracts for all aspects of Ulster County Department of Economic Development, Ulster County Department of Planning, Office of Employment and Training, Ulster County Community College, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District, Arts, Tourism and Libraries. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision herein, policies and contracts regarding housing matters, including but not limited to temporary, emergency, affordable, workforce and senior housing, shall not fall under the jurisdiction of this Committee. Responsible for issues pertaining to: Ulster County Industrial Development Agency, Ulster County Planning Board, Revolving Loan Fund Committee, Shovel Ready Committee. To foster relations and communications with the Ulster County Economic Alliance and local Chambers of Commerce. To establish policy relating to agriculture and farmland preservation. 


    Committee Live Streams can be found HERE.

    To set legislative policy and review contracts for all aspects of Ulster County Department of Economic Development, Ulster County Department of

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the Department of the Environment, Environmental Management Council, and all environmental matters and green initiatives of the County, including the protection of waterways and the County’s recycling efforts. To set policy and review contracts pertaining to but not limited to the activities of the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency. 


    Committee Live Streams can be found HERE.

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the Department of the Environment, Environmental Management Council, and all environmental matters and green initiatives of the County, inclu

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Health, Human Rights, Mental Health, Social Services, Community Action, Office for the Aging, Youth Bureau, and Veterans Affairs. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision herein, policies and contracts regarding housing matters, including but not limited to temporary, emergency, affordable, workforce and senior housing, shall not fall under the jurisdiction of this Committee. 


    Committee Live Streams can be found HERE.

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Health, Human Rights, Mental Health, Social Services, Community Action, Office for the Aging,

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to all housing related matters, including but not limited to temporary, emergency, affordable, workforce, and senior housing. To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Department of Transportation (Ulster County Area Transit), and all Ulster County transportation matters, including but not limited to Ulster County rails and trails.


    Committee Live Streams can be found HERE

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to all housing related matters, including but not limited to temporary, emergency, affordable, workforce, and senior housing.

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Ulster County Sheriff and the Law Enforcement Center, Public Defender, District Attorney, Probation, Restorative Justice, Emergency Management/ Emergency Communications, Arson Task Force, Fire Coordinator, EMS Coordinator, STOP DWI, Consumer Fraud Bureau, and Weights and Measures. 


    Comittee Live Streams can be found HERE.

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Ulster County Sheriff and the Law Enforcement

  • Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Board of Elections, County Clerk, County Attorney, Risk Management and Board of Ethics. To oversee legislative policy and legislative proposed revisions to the Ulster County Charter and the Administrative Code. To review and maintain the Rules of the Legislature and to review and approve all local laws for legal sufficiency only, unless Laws and Rules, Government Services is the committee of original jurisdiction. To approve all late resolutions, considering lateness and content prior to submittal to the full Legislature. To approve resolutions required to be referred to it under the Rules of the Legislature. 


    Committee Live Streams can be found HERE.

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Board of Elections, County Clerk, County Attor

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Public Works (including Parks, Highways, Buildings and Grounds, and Fleet Management), the Electrical Licensing Board, and all Capital Projects.  

    Committee Live Streams can be found HERE.

    To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments and Divisions: Public Works (including Parks, Highways, Build

  • Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    The County Legislature is the legislative, appropriating and policy-determining body of the County.  The County of Ulster is divided into 23 Legislative Districts, from each of which one person is elected to be a member of the County Legislature.  Such persons while holding office shall be known as "Legislators".  The term of office of the members of the County Legislature shall be two years beginning on the first day of January next following their election at the general election held in every odd-numbered year.

    The County Legislature is the legislative, appropriating and policy-determining body of the County.

  • Chair:
    Deputy Chair:
    Brief Description +-

    To recommend the Legislature’s position on all budgetary and financial matters of the County. To review contracts pertaining to the following departments: Comptroller, Finance, Budget, Personnel, General Services, Information Services and Real Property Tax Services. To approve all resolutions with financial impacts to the County, excluding those financial impacts limited solely to legislative advertising expenses.

    Committee Live Streams can be found HERE.

    To recommend the Legislature’s position on all budgetary and financial matters of the County.