Resolution No. 527

Amending Capital Project No. 482 – Countywide Radio System - Department Of Emergency Communications / Emergency Management

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee (Chairwoman Walter and Legislators Fabiano, Haynes, Heppner, and Parete), The Public Works and Capital Projects Committee (Chairman Fabiano and Legislators Cahill, Greene, Heppner, and Litts), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Haynes, Maio, Parete, Ronk, and Walter)


Chairwoman of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee, Eve Walter, and Deputy Chair Heidi Haynes offer the following:


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the County Executive on behalf of the Ulster County Department of Emergency Communications / Emergency Management; and


          WHEREAS, the approved 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Program includes a project “County Wide Radio System” in the amount of $20,640,000.00 for the project; and


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 377 of 2016 established Capital Project No. 482 and provided authorization and funding of $420,000.00 for the Project; and


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 243 of 2018 amended Capital Project No. 482 and provided authorization and funding of $524,993.00 for the Project; and


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 69 of 2019 amended Capital Project No. 482 and provided authorization and funding of $575,721.00 for the Project; and


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 428 of 2019 amended Capital Project No. 482 and provided authorization and funding of $477,385.00 for the Project; and


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 536 of 2019 amended Capital Project No. 482 and provided authorization and funding of $8,475,000.00 for the Project; and


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 35 of 2020 amended Capital Project No. 482 and provided authorization and funding of $563,271.00 for the Project; and


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 181 of 2021 authorized the Chair to execute an agreement with the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services for the 2018 Statewide Interoperable Communications Targeted Grant (SICG), for the period beginning March 1, 2021 and ending February 28, 2025, in the amount of $6,000,000.00; and




WHEREAS, the purpose of this program is to make necessary improvements and provide for sustainment of Land Mobile Radio Systems (LMR), implementation and maintenance of components supporting interoperability, continuous training and exercise, sustainment and further development of the governance structure; and


WHEREAS, the Department of Emergency Communications/Emergency Management seeks to expend $3,150,000 of the $6,000,000 on components of the radio system buildout including: base stations, antennas, cabling and racking, as well as Dispatch Consoles and new 911 phone system; now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, that the 2021 Capital Fund Budget is hereby amended as follows:


                                             INCREASE                            AMOUNT                                                          

HH.3097.0482.2300.2320       Other Equipment                      $3,150,000.00   



HH.3097.0482.3500.5710       Serial Bonds                             $3,150,000.00



and, be it further


RESOLVED, if funding for this program is eliminated, the Commissioner of Finance shall, immediately upon discovery, send written notification to the Clerk of the Legislature, and the relevant Department Head shall attend the next regular meeting of the Ways and Means Committee to assist the Committee in review and evaluation for determination of the program’s continuance,


and move its adoption.



    AYES:                    NOES:    


Passed Committee: Law Enforcement and Public Safety on _______________.


Passed Committee: Public Works and Capital Projects on _______________.


Passed Committee: Ways and Means on _______________.







                        (100% NYS REIMBURSED)


Current Text: PDF


Updated: December 13, 2021