Resolution No. 143

Authorizing The Chairman Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Agreement To Receive Grant Funding From The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation For Green Infrastructure Elements Utilized In The STRIVE Project – SUNY Ulster Satellite Campus – Department Of Planning

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Legislative Programs, Education and Community Services

Committee (Chairman Donaldson, and Legislators Archer, Gregorius, Lopez, and

Wawro), The Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit

Committee (Chairman Briggs and Legislators Allen, Archer, Litts, Maio, Maloney,

and Rodriguez), The Energy and Environment Committee (Chairman Bartels and

Legislators Greene, Richard Parete, Ronk and Wawro), and The Ways and Means

Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Bartels, Belfiglio, Briggs, Maio,

Maloney, Provenzano and Rodriguez)

Chairman of the Legislative Programs, Education and Community Services

Committee, David B. Donaldson, and Deputy Chairman Mary Wawro offer the


WHEREAS, this Resolution has been submitted by the County Executive on

behalf of the Department of Planning; and

WHEREAS, Ulster County is moving forward with implementation of the

Strategic Taxpayer Relief through Innovative Visions in Education (“STRIVE”)

Project; and

WHEREAS, STRIVE has, as its cornerstone, the relocation of the SUNY

Ulster/ Ulster County Community College (“UCCC”) Extension Center from the

Business Resource Center to the former Sophie Finn Elementary School at 94 Mary’s

Avenue in Kingston, New York, adjacent to Kingston High School; and

WHEREAS, in order for Sophie Finn to be utilized as an UCCC Extension

Center, renovations and improvements must be made (the “Project”), and the County

Legislature created Capital Project No. 370 by Resolution No. 261 dated October 16,

2012, and subsequently amended by Resolution No. 178 dated July 18, 2013, for the

purpose of authorizing architectural design, legal and SEQRA review, and

construction management services for the Project; and

WHEREAS, the County Legislature supported the Implementation of

STRIVE, UCCC Renovation of Sophie Finn Elementary School pursuant to

Resolution No. 300 dated November 19, 2013; and 

- Page 2 -

Resolution No. 143 April 15, 2014

Authorizing The Chairman Of The Ulster County Legislature To

Execute An Agreement To Receive Grant Funding From The New

York State Environmental Facilities Corporation For Green

Infrastructure Elements Utilized In The STRIVE Project – SUNY

Ulster Satellite Campus – Department Of Planning

WHEREAS, in December 2013, following the passage of Resolution No. 300,

Ulster County received notice of up to an additional $439,000.00 grant award from

New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation under the Green Innovation

Grant Program (GIGP) for design and construction of environmentally-sustainable

“green infrastructure” elements, including pervious parking areas, rain gardens, and

other innovative storm water management elements; and

WHEREAS, the County of Ulster is required to provide a local match of ten

percent of the total GIGP project costs, currently estimated to be $488,788.00,

requiring a local match of $48,879.00, which will be provided through private grant

funding received previously for STRIVE implementation; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 391 dated December 17, 2013, the

Ulster County Legislature adopted and issued a Negative Declaration under 6

NYCRR Part 617 State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) for the

purchase and rehabilitation of Sophie Finn for use as the SUNY Ulster Kingston

Extension Center; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature is hereby

authorized to execute a Grant Agreement, and any amendments thereto, with the New

York State Environmental Facilities Corporation in the sample form as filed with the

Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature or as modified with the approval of the

County Attorney, as well as any other contracts, documents and instruments

necessary to bring about the Project and fulfill the County of Ulster’s obligations

under the Green Innovation Grant Program (GIGP) Grant Agreement; and, be it


RESOLVED, that the County of Ulster authorizes the ten percent local match

as required by the Green Innovation Grant Program (GIGP) for the STRIVE- SUNY

Ulster Satellite College Green Infrastructure, with the source of the local match being

private grant contributions received by Ulster County for STRIVE implementation,

and move its adoption.

- Page 3 -

Resolution No. 143 April 15, 2014

Authorizing The Chairman Of The Ulster County Legislature To

Execute An Agreement To Receive Grant Funding From The New

York State Environmental Facilities Corporation For Green

Infrastructure Elements Utilized In The STRIVE Project – SUNY

Ulster Satellite Campus – Department Of Planning


AYES: 22 NOES: 0

(Absent: Legislator Briggs)

Passed Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit

on April 1, 2014

Passed Committee: Legislative Programs, Education and Community Services on

April 2, 2014

Passed Committee: Energy and Environment on April 8, 2014

Passed Committee: Ways and Means on April 9, 2014



- Page 4 -

Resolution No. 143 April 15, 2014

Authorizing The Chairman Of The Ulster County Legislature To

Execute An Agreement To Receive Grant Funding From The New

York State Environmental Facilities Corporation For Green

Infrastructure Elements Utilized In The STRIVE Project – SUNY

Ulster Satellite Campus – Department Of Planning




This is to certify that I, the undersigned Clerk of the Legislature of the County of Ulster have compared the

foregoing resolution with the original resolution now on file in the office of said clerk, and which was adopted by said

Legislature on the 15th Day of April, 2014, and that the same is a true and correct transcript of said resolution and of the

whole thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County of Ulster this 16th Day of April in

the year Two Thousand and Fourteen.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk

Ulster County Legislature

Submitted to the County Executive this Approved by the County Executive this

17th Day of April, 2014. 25th Day of April, 2014.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella |s| Michael P. Hein

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Michael P. Hein, County Executive

Ulster County Legislature

Current Text: PDF


Updated: October 27, 2020

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
Tue, Apr 8, 2014 2018-2019 Term: Energy and Environment Committee
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 143
No Vote