To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the Office of Accountability, Compliance and Efficiency, and the Ulster County Comptroller. To review past enactments including local laws and policies of the Legislature for efficacy, impact on county residents, and the presence or non-presence of enforcement. To act as a liaison to Town, City and Village governments. To further be responsible for promoting efficiency and reform in County government by examining and developing alternative guidelines and policies for Ulster County.
Meeting Information:
3rd Monday of the month at 5:30 PM
* * Please note: Meeting dates and/or times are subject to change. Visit our Legislative Calendar HERE(link is external) for the most up to date information.
* alternate meeting date ^ check the Meeting's agenda
2016 Schedule
February 13* | March 13* | April 17 | May 15 | June 19 | July 17 |
August 14* | September 18 | October 16 | November 13* | December 18 |