Resolution Information
Referred to: The Energy, Environment and Sustainability Committee (Chairman Hewitt and Legislators Donaldson, Greene, Litts, Nolan, Stewart, and Walls), The Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee (Chair Nolan and Legislators Donaldson, Kovacs, Litts, and McCollough), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Collins, Hansut, Kovacs, Nolan, and Roberts)
Chairman of the Energy, Environment and Sustainability Committee, Chris Hewitt, and Deputy Chair Richard Walls offer the following:
WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the County Executive on behalf of the Department of Public Works and the Department of the Environment; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 419 dated August 16, 2022, established Capital Project No. 644 - Site Ready Services for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in the amount of $317,807.00, for installations of electric vehicle charging stations at County-owned facilities; and
WHEREAS, the approved 2024 – 2029 Capital Improvement Program includes Capital Project No. 644 for a total of $620,502.00; and
WHEREAS, based upon examination by the Ulster County Legislature, the County’s funding of this Project constitutes a Type II action as defined under Section 2.1 of the County of Ulster’s State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) Type II List, which was adopted pursuant to Resolution No. 118 dated April 20, 2010; and
WHEREAS, Ulster County has determined that this funding action does not pose a significant potential environmental impact and may be progressed as a Type II action in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617 of SEQRA, and does not require any further determination or procedure under SEQRA; and
WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature has enacted Local Law No. 9 of 2015; A Local Law Establishing a Sustainable Green Fleet Policy, and subsequent amendments; and
WHEREAS, said Law established the commitment of the County to move toward zero-emission vehicles by promoting the use of electric, hybrid-electric, hybrid, and sustainable green vehicles by residents; and
WHEREAS, said Law further established a County fleet goal to ensure that a minimum of 20% of the fleet by 2025 are green vehicles with at least 20% of those being zero-emission; and thereafter, annually, that 100% of passenger and light duty truck vehicles purchased, leased or otherwise obtained will be zero-emission vehicles where technically feasible; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program is designed to assist states, local governments, and Tribes in implementing strategies to reduce energy use, to reduce fossil fuel emissions, and to improve energy efficiency; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. Department Of Energy EECBG Program final formula grant funding allocation to Ulster County is $81,150.00; and
WHEREAS, the Beam EV ARC is a mobile dual port electric vehicle charging unit paired with a solar panel, battery backup system, charging hub with electrical outlets, and trailer for transport, which may be deployed to support fleet and public EV charging and emergency response efforts; and
WHEREAS, the Beam EV ARC equipment has an anticipated purchase price of $142,018.56 per federal GSA contract 47QSWA21D0006 pricing; and
WHEREAS, the Ulster County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan identified utility failure and associated power outages as a Hazard of Concern for Ulster County; and
WHEREAS, the County desires to submit an equipment rebate purchase voucher application to the EECBG Program to partially support the purchase of a Beam EV ARC; and
WHEREAS, the County desires to contract with Livingston Energy Group LLC for an additional $173,603.00 for installation of charging stations at various locations; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that 2024 – 2029 Capital Improvement Program is hereby amended as follows:
Capital Project No. 644 EV Charging Stations $12,927.00
and, be it further
RESOLVED, that Capital Project No. 644 is hereby amended as follows:
Capital Project No. 644 EV Charging Station $315,622.00
and, be it further
RESOLVED, that the 2024 Ulster County Capital Fund budget is hereby amended as follows:
HH.1997.0644-2300.2500 Other Equipment $142,019.00
(App. #)
HH.1997.0644-4300.4505 Professional Services $173,603.00
(App. #)
HH.1997.0644-3500.5710 Revenue- Serial Bonds $315,622.00
(Rev. #),
and move its adoption.
Passed Committee: Energy, Environment and Sustainability on ______________.
Passed Committee: Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation on __________.
Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ______________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: April 4, 2024
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no voteVote to Adopt Resolution No. 84
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 84
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 84