Resolution No. 633

Establishing Capital Project No. 718 – Cornell Street Park, Amending Capital Project No. 479 Midtown Linear Park, And Declaring Intent To Act As Lead Agency (SEQRA) – Department Of Planning

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Energy, Environment and Sustainability Committee (Chairman Hewitt and Legislators Greene, Litts, Donaldson, Nolan, Stewart, and Walls), The Economic Development, Planning, Education, Employment, Arts and Agriculture Committee (Chairwoman Sperry and Legislators Clinton, Corcoran, Hewitt, Litts, Stewart and Walls), The Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee (Chair Nolan and Legislators Donaldson, Kovacs, Litts, and McCollough), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Collins, Hansut, Kovacs, Nolan, and Roberts)


Chairman of the Energy, Environment and Sustainability Committee, Chris Hewitt, Deputy Chair Richard Walls, and Legislator Corcoran offer the following:


          WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the County Executive on behalf of the Planning Department; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Midtown Linear Park project to design and construct a shared-use trail from the east side of Cornell Street to Westbrook Lane along the Ulster & Delaware Railroad Corridor in the City of Kingston was completed in 2022; and 


WHEREAS, the County envisioned that following the construction of the transportation project a community park would be created in the space between Cornell and Downs Streets where the trail is 30 to 65 wide and approximately 0.55 acres and is open for further development into a community space; and  


WHEREAS, the “Cornell Street Park” is identified and listed in the 2025-2030 Ulster County Capital Improvement Program recommended by the County Executive and will provide a robust public outreach to determine the design of areas likely to include intergenerational active play areas and landscaping in this space; and 


WHEREAS, the County has $157,133.72 in authorized funding remaining in Capital Project No. 479, which can be utilized to fund the design of the Cornell Street Park and recognizes that it received $1,000.000.00 in funding for the Mid-town Linear Park from the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley; and  


WHEREAS, Ulster County desires to utilize the authorized funding to continue the purposes established as part of the funding from the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley; now, therefore, be it  



RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature hereby determines that providing funding for only the design and engineering work for Capital Project No. 718 constitutes a Type II action under NYCRR Part 617. (SEQRA), will not have a significant impact on the environment and no further action under SEQRA is required; and, be it further   


RESOLVED, that pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617.6(b) (3) of the Regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law of New York State (SEQRA), the Ulster County Legislature hereby declares its intent to serve as Lead Agency for construction of the above recited Project and has determined, after review of the criteria contained in 6 NYCRR Parts 617.4 (b) and 617.5(b), that the Project is an Unlisted Action; and, be it further 


RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature will conduct a coordinated review and circulate its Notice of Intent to serve as Lead Agency, together with the EAF and accompanying documentation, to all interested and involved agencies pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617.6(b) (2) (i) and 6 NYCRR Part 617.6(b) (3); and, be it further 


RESOLVED, that pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617.6(b) (3), at the conclusion of an otherwise unchallenged thirty (30) day period following the date of transmittal of the Notice of Intent, the EAF and documentation aforesaid to the interested agencies, the Legislature shall become the Lead Agency under SEQRA for the Project; and, be it further 


RESOLVED, that Capital Project No. 718 Cornell Street Park is hereby established as follows:  


CREATE                                         AMOUNT 


Capital Project No. 718                 Cornell Street Park                           $157,134.00


and, be it further 


RESOLVED, that the 2024 Ulster County Capital Fund Budget is hereby

amended as follows: 



INCREASE                               AMOUNT 


HH.7197.0718-4300.4355              Design                                      $157,134.00 



HH.7197.0718-3200.2397             Intergovernmental Charges       $157,134.00 


DECREASE                           AMOUNT 


HH.7197.0479-2300.2555              Land Acquisition                      $100,000.00 


HH.7197.0479-2300.2550               Construction                              $  57,134.00 


HH.7197.0479-3200.2397             Intergovernmental Charges      $157,134.00 


and move its adoption.



AYES:                    NOES:                                       


Passed Committee:  Energy, Environment and Sustainability on ______________.


Passed Committee:  Economic Development, Planning, Education, Employment, Arts and Agriculture on ______________.


Passed Committee:  Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation on ______________.


Passed Committee:  Ways and Means on ______________.





Current Text: PDF


Updated: December 26, 2024