Resolution No. 558

Requesting The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Authorize Acceptance Of The MOU For The Ulster Regional Gang Enforcement Narcotics Team (U.R.G.E.N.T) – Sheriff’s Office

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee (Chairman Uchitelle and Legislators Hansut, Heppner, Hewitt, and Lopez)


Chairman of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee, Abe Uchitelle, and Deputy Chair Gina Hansut offer the following:


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster Regional Gang Enforcement Narcotics Team (URGENT) operates as a county-wide gang and narcotics law enforcement team consisting of law enforcement personnel from various agencies throughout Ulster County; and


WHEREAS, the existence of a specialized unit to combat gang violence and narcotics trafficking will benefit Ulster County and serve as a resource for all police and law enforcement agencies within the County; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature, through Resolution No. 459 of 2019 authorized the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that expires on December 31, 2022; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office has drafted a new MOU that includes inter-municipal cooperation with the Town of Ulster Supervisor, the Town of Ulster Police Chief, in addition to those municipalities who were signatories previously; and


WHEREAS, this resolution is requesting approval for the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature sign the MOU for U.R.G.E.N.T.; and


WHEREAS, there is no funding required for this MOU; now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature is hereby authorized to sign a memorandum of agreement, with the Ulster County Sheriff, the Ulster County District Attorney’s Office, the Ulster County Department of Probation, and various municipalities for the term January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2026, in the form as filed with the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature or as modified with the approval of the County Attorney and Counsel to the Ulster County Legislature, Chair of the Ulster County Legislature,





and move its adoption.





AYES:                    NOES:                 



Passed Committee: Law Enforcement and Public Safety on ­­­________________.





Current Text: PDF


Updated: January 9, 2023