Resolution No. 647

Establishing A Policy To Provide Budget Transparency

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Haynes, Maio, Parete, Ronk, and Walter)


Legislator Lynn Archer offers the following:


WHEREAS, §C-11 of the Ulster County Charter and §A2-5 of the Administrative Code state, “The County Legislature shall be the legislative, appropriating and policy-determining body of the County and, as such, shall have and

exercise all powers and duties now or hereafter conferred upon it by applicable law and any and all powers necessarily implied or incidental thereto”; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to § C-11 (A) of the Ulster County Charter and §A2-5(1) of the Administrative Code, the Ulster County Legislature has the specific authority “to make appropriations, levy taxes, incur indebtedness and adopt a budget, including a capital program”; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature deems transparency an invaluable tool used to share information with citizens and hold elected officials accountable for the conduct of the people’s business, which includes any and all items related to tax payer spending; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to § C-11 (F) of the Ulster County Charter and §A2-5(6) of the Administrative Code, the Ulster County Legislature has the explicit authority “to fix the number of hours constituting a legal day's work for all classes of County employees,” and


WHEREAS, pursuant to § C-11 (H) of the Ulster County Charter and §A2-5(8) of the Administrative Code, the Ulster County Legislature has the specific authority “To fix the compensation of all officers and employees paid from County funds or, for employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, to establish salary ranges within which the appointing authority shall have discretion to set the actual salary within the range”; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature believes that budget transparency is vital in order for the body to adopt a proposed budget, and to properly carry out its responsibilities under the above-mentioned Charter provisions; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, any proposed operating budget for any ensuing fiscal year preceding the date of adoption of this legislation shall contain a personnel listing, which shall include, but not be limited to: position number, position title, name of employee, employee’s standard work hours, previous year’s adopted compensation, and the proposed recommended compensation for the ensuing fiscal year,  




and move its adoption.



    AYES:                   NOES:    



Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ____________.








Current Text: PDF



Updated: January 11, 2022

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
Tue, Dec 21, 2021 2020-2021 Term: Ways and Means Committee
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 647
Tue, Dec 7, 2021 2020-2021 Term: Ways and Means Committee
Committee Postpone to Adopt Resolution No. 647 for one week
Mon, Nov 29, 2021 2020-2021 Term: Public Health and Social Services Committee
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 648
No Vote
