Resolution No. 469

Establishing A Policy Mandating That All New York State Or Federal Notices Regarding Reductions Or Withholding Of Funding Be Provided To The Ulster County Legislature Within Five (5) Days Of Receipt

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairwoman Archer and Legislators Bartels, Gavaris, Haynes, Maio, Ronk, and Walter)


Chairwoman of the Ways and Means Committee, Lynn Archer, offers the following:


WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental impact upon the revenues received by Federal, State and local governments, resulting in a corresponding reduction in financial aid available to County governments across New York State; and


WHEREAS, the New York State and Federal Governments are empowered to reduce the amount of financial aid given to local governments in the event the anticipated estimated revenue is not received during designated measurement periods throughout the year; and  


WHEREAS, New York State and the Federal Governments provide written notice to Ulster County in advance of any such withholding of aid; and 


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature, as the appropriating and policy determining body in Ulster County, hereby deems it necessary that it be provided with copies of all such notices within five (5) days from the date such notices are received by an employee of Ulster County; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that copies of all New York State or Federal Government documents which notify Ulster County of a withholding or reduction in financial aid shall be delivered to the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature within five (5) days from date they are received by any Ulster County employee; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that for purposes of this Resolution, the term “employee” shall be defined as the head of an administrative department or any employee of any administrative department in Ulster County; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that for purposes of this Resolution, the term “received” shall be defined as the date on which the New York State of Federal document was delivered to the addressee named on the correspondence,


and move its adoption.








AYES:                       NOES:   



Passed Committee:  Ways and Means on ____________.






Current Text: PDF



Updated: December 29, 2020