Resolution No. 261

Approving The Execution Of A Contract In Excess Of $50,000.00 Entered Into By The County – Accucare Nursing & Homecare, Inc. – Emergency Management

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee (Chairwoman Walter and Legislators Fabiano, Haynes, Heppner, and Parete), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairwoman Archer and Legislators Bartels, Gavaris, Haynes, Maio, Ronk, and Walter)


Chairwoman of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee, Eve Walter, and Deputy Chair Heidi Haynes offer the following:


WHEREAS, pursuant to Section C-11(O) of the Ulster County Charter and Section A2-5(15) of the Administrative Code, the Ulster County Legislature shall have the power to approve the execution of certain contracts and amendments in the amount of $50,000.00 or in excess of $50,000.00 entered into by the County; and


            WHEREAS, a contract for execution by the County with Accucare Nursing & Homecare, Inc. has been submitted for approval by the Ulster County Legislature, which is described below:




WHEREAS, said contract has been reviewed by the Contract Manager, County Attorney’s Office, Director of Purchasing, and the County Executive;now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, the Ulster County Legislature has examined the contract, and hereby approves the contract in the form as filed with the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature or as modified with the approval of the County Attorney and Legislative Counsel,


and move its adoption.



AYES:                        NOES:         



Passed Committee: Law Enforcement and Public Safety on ____________.


Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ____________.




$300,000.00 – 2020/2021 APPRORIATION DOLLARS

Current Text: PDF


Updated: September 22, 2020