Resolution Information
Referred to: The Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit
Committee (Chairman James Maloney and Legislators Archer, Delaune, Litts, Maio,
Rodriguez, and Woltman)
Chairman of the Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning, and Transit
Committee, James F. Maloney, Deputy Chair Hector Rodriguez, and Legislator
Nolan offer the following:
WHEREAS, the State of New York (the “State”), through the Office of Parks,
Recreation, and Historic Preservation (“OPRHP”) and the New York State
Department of Transportation (“NYSDOT”), is planning to construct and establish
the Empire State Trail, a 750-mile interconnected shared-use trail system, a segment
of which runs through Ulster County (the “Trail”); and
WHEREAS, the State desires to construct an approximately 1,500 foot
segment of the Trail along North Putt Corners Road (also identified as County Route
17) from Route 299 to Henry W. Dubois Drive in New Paltz (the “Property”), which
would widen and improve this segment of the County’s road for walking and
bicycling; and
WHEREAS, the County recognizes the safety and economic development
benefits of the establishment of the Trail through Ulster County and desires to enter
into the Empire State Trail Work Agreement (the “Agreement”) with OPRHP and
NYSDOT to allow the improvements to be made on Property, including widening of
the road for bike lanes and installation of a drainage swale, signage, striping, two
rectangular rapid flashing beacons, and landscaping, which will be maintained by
Ulster County following construction of the improvements; and now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature is hereby
authorized to execute the Empire State Trail Work Agreement with the Office of
Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (“OPRHP”) and the New York State
Department of Transportation (“NYSDOT”) to improve and maintain North Putt
Corners Road from Route 299 to Henry W. Dubois Drive in New Paltz as part of the
Empire State Trail,
and move its adoption.
AYES: 21 NOES: 0
(Legislator Petit arrived at 8:53 PM)
(Absent: Legislator Fabiano)
Passed Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit
on September 4, 2018
I, the undersigned Clerk of the Legislature of the County of Ulster, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is
the original resolution adopted by the Ulster County Legislature on the 20th Day of September in the year Two Thousand
and Eighteen, and said resolution shall remain on file in the office of said clerk.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County of Ulster this 21st Day of
September in the year Two Thousand and Eighteen.
|s| Victoria A. Fabella
Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk
Ulster County Legislature
Submitted to the County Executive this Approved by the County Executive this
24th Day of September, 2018. 1st Day of October, 2018.
|s| Victoria A. Fabella |s| Michael P. Hein
Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Michael P. Hein, County Executive
Ulster County Legislature
Current Text: PDF
Updated: February 4, 2019
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no voteVote to Adopt Resolution No. 364
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 364