Resolution No. 24

Establishing A Policy To Prohibit The Use Of Public Funds To Place The Likeness Or Name Of Elected Officials On Public Service Announcements, Non-Commercial And Non-Political Advertising By Ulster County

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit

Committee (Chairman James Maloney and Legislators Archer, Delaune, Litts, Maio,

Rodriguez, and Woltman), and The Public Works and Capital Projects Committee

(Chairman Fabiano and Legislators Greene, Litts, Nolan, and Roberts)

Legislator Joseph Maloney offers the following:


WHEREAS, it has been a practice in government to use public funds in

promoting elected officials on government facilities and signage, including the Ulster

County website and other County property at various locations other than the

particular official’s office or web page; and

WHEREAS, elected officials are otherwise prohibited by Public Officers Law

73-b from appearing in any advertisement or promotion, including public or

community service announcements, published or broadcast through any print or

electronic media (including television, radio and internet) by any private or

commercial entity or any other entity that publishes such advertisement for a fee, if

the advertisement or promotion is paid for or produced in whole or in part with

public funds; and

WHEREAS, County signs and facilities not covered by Public Officers Law

73-b have the name and likeness of elected officials placed upon them with the use of

public funds; and

WHEREAS, there is no true public benefit to the taxpayers when County

public resources are spent on the practice of placing the name and likeness of elected

officials on County property and signs public service announcements; and

WHEREAS, the appropriate expenditure of taxpayer public money does not

include this use, but rather should be used to fund government services to improve

the welfare, health and safety of Ulster County residents; and

WHEREAS, this practice amounts to free and inappropriate political

advertising for incumbent elected officials not otherwise covered by State Law, and

as Ulster County has the power to regulate the expenditure of County public funds

on its own signs, property and publications public service announcements; now,

therefore be it 


RESOLVED, that it is the policy of Ulster County that on and after the

effective date hereof, no County elected official shall appear by likeness, picture, or

voice, be named, or otherwise be identified or referenced on any Public Service

Announcement, Non-commercial and non-political advertising by Ulster County

promoting any County Services, by any method of transmission including but not

limited to television, radio, and the Internet, where same is paid for or produced in

whole or in part with County public funds of any kind including grant funds; and,

be it further

RESOLVED, that this policy shall not apply to the appearance of an elected

official’s name and/or likeness on his or her office or his or her official web page, or

in the County Directory, and shall not apply to appearances during a declared state of

emergency or otherwise required or permitted by law; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately,

and move its adoption.


AYES: 18 NOES: 4

(Noes: Legislators Eckert, Greene, James Maloney and Nolan)

(Absent: Legislator Collins)

Passed Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit

as amended on January 31, 2018

Passed Committee: Public Works and Capital Projects with Title as amended on

February 1, 2018




Legislator Joseph Maloney motioned, seconded by Legislator Maio, to amend the

Resolution as indicated above by striking certain language and inserting new

language as it appears in bold font.


AYES: 21 NOES: 1

(Noes: Legislator James Maloney)

 (Absent: Legislator Collins)




I, the undersigned Clerk of the Legislature of the County of Ulster, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is

the original resolution adopted by the Ulster County Legislature on the 13th Day of February in the year Two Thousand and

Eighteen, and said resolution shall remain on file in the office of said clerk.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County of Ulster this 14th Day of

February in the year Two Thousand and Eighteen.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk

Ulster County Legislature

Submitted to the County Executive this Returned unsigned by the County Executive and

15th Day of February, 2018. deemed adopted this 23rd Day of February, 2018.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella |unsigned|___________________________

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Michael P. Hein, County Executive

Ulster County Legislature 

Current Text: PDF



Updated: February 4, 2019

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
Thu, Feb 1, 2018 2018-2019 Term: Public Works and Capital Projects Committee
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 24 With Title As Amended
No Vote
