Resolution No. 269

Authorizing The Chairman Of The Legislature To Call A Public Hearing To Satisfy The Public Participation Requirement For An Application To The Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) – Department Of Planning

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit

Committee (Chairman Maloney and Legislators Berky, Delaune, Lapp, Litts, Maio

and Rodriguez), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and

Legislators Allen, Bartels, Belfiglio, Briggs, Maio, and Maloney)


Chairman of the Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning, and Transit

Committee, James F. Maloney, and Deputy Chairman Hector Rodriguez offer the


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted by the County Executive on

behalf of the Department of Planning; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Homes and Community Renewal

(NYSHCR) issues an annual Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the

following programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), RESTORE,

Affordable Homeownership Development Program (AHODP), Access to Home,

and Access to Home for Medicaid Recipients Program; and

WHEREAS, a public hearing consistent with Federal Requirements found

in 24 CFR 570.486 is required prior to the submittal of the grant application under

the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) administered by


WHEREAS, Ulster County has, in the past, made application under the

CDBG Program and is likely to do so in this upcoming funding round; and

WHEREAS, to ensure that Ulster County can meet the required timetable

for the public hearing and submittal of an application should it desire to do so;

now, therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature is

authorized to call public hearings as necessary to satisfy the public participation

requirements of the CDBG Program in accordance with 24 CFR 570.486; and, be

it further

RESOLVED, that upon the issuance of the NOFA by NYSHCR, and the

setting of the date of the required public hearing by the Chairman, that the Clerk

of the Ulster County Legislature shall cause any notice of hearing to be posted on

the bulletin boards in County Buildings and published in official publications;

and, be it further 


RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature shall provide

copies of the hearing notice to all chief elected officials of municipalities within

Ulster County,

and moves its adoption.


AYES: 22 NOES: 0

(Absent: Legislator Gerentine)

Passed Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and

Transit on May 3, 2016

Passed Committee: Ways and Means on May 10, 2016






I, the undersigned Clerk of the Legislature of the County of Ulster, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is

the original resolution adopted by the Ulster County Legislature on the 17th Day of May in the year Two Thousand and

Sixteen, and said resolution shall remain on file in the office of said clerk.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County of Ulster this 18th Day of May in

the year Two Thousand and Sixteen.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk

Ulster County Legislature 

Current Text: PDF


Updated: January 24, 2019