Resolution No. 260

LATE - Supporting The Application By The Margaretville Telephone Company To The New York State Connectall Municipal Infrastructure Program (MIP) To Provide Service To The Unserved Areas In The Town Of Denning And Authorizing The Submittal Of Any Necessary Authorizations And Certifications By The Chair Of The Legislature As Required By The Program – Department Of Planning

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Laws, Rules and Government Services Committee (Chairman Kovacs and Legislators Gavaris, Hansut, Harmon, Kitchen, Levine, and Uchitelle)


Chair of the Legislature, Peter Criswell, and Legislator Nolan offer the following:


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the County Executive; and


WHEREAS, New York State ConnectALL initiative will be the largest-ever investment in New York’s digital infrastructure with over $1 billion in new public and private investment in rural and urban areas of the State; and


WHEREAS, Ulster County has been diligent in providing data to both the ConnectALL Program and the Federal Energy Communication Commission to ensure full and accurate understanding of the under-served and unserved areas within the County as well as ensuring that critical emergency management locations are eligible to receive adequate broadband service; and


WHEREAS, the ConnectALL Municipal Infrastructure Program (MIP) offers the opportunity for the County support and/or partner with private internet service providers (ISPs) and may include entering into agreements concerning ownership and management of digital infrastructure as part of Phase 3 of the MIP; and


WHEREAS, Margaretville Telephone Company (MTC) has approached the County requesting that it provide the necessary authorizations and certifications to allow for the submittal of application under Phase 3 of the MIP to provide digital infrastructure for the unserved areas in the Town of Denning; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that Ulster County supports the application by the Margaretville Telephone Company to provide digital infrastructure to the unserved areas in the Town of Denning in the amount necessary to ensure the closure of gaps in service; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature with the exception of any required partnership agreement, is authorized to submit any needed authorizations or certifications as required by the Program application,


and move its adoption.





AYES:                    NOES:      



Passed Committee: Laws, Rules and Government Services on __________.





Current Text: PDF



Updated: May 29, 2024