Resolution No. 241

Establishing Capital Project No. 547 – Flood Resiliency Work Bushkill Bridge And County Road 139, Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement With The Town Of Olive To Perform Flood Resiliency Work, And Amending The 2019 Ulster County Capital Fund Budget – Department Of Public Works (Highways and Bridges)

Resolution Information




Referred to:  The Public Works and Capital Projects Committee (Chairwoman Petit and Legislators Fabiano, Greene, Litts, and Nolan), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairwoman Archer and Legislators Gerentine, Maio, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, Petit, and Rodriguez)


Chairwoman of the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee, Laura Petit, and Deputy Chair Dean J. Fabiano offer the following:


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted by the Acting County Executive on behalf of the Department of Public Works; and


WHEREAS, the 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Program contains a Bushkill Bridge Inspection Capital Project to fund construction inspection for the Town of Olive (the “Town”); and


WHEREAS, the Town is in receipt of a New York State Rising Program Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (hereinafter “CDBG-DR”) funding for projects that provide resiliency and improve community response to disasters; and


WHEREAS, the Town will be utilizing this CDBG-DR funding to design and construct a stream remediation project along the Bushkill Stream; and


            WHEREAS, the project includes scour protection for the County-owned Watson Hollow Bridge (BIN # 3346690), and stream bank improvements to help stabilize embankments along County Road No. 139, Watson Hollow Road, as well as channel reconfiguration to improve flow and reduce sediment load in stream; and


WHEREAS, the work being done by the Town directly benefits the County’s highway system making it more resilient to flooding by protecting bridge abutments from scour, reducing highway flooding risks, and stabilizing embankments to protect the roadway; and 


            WHEREAS, the County wishes to pay a portion of the costs incurred by the Town as a local share that directly benefits the County Highway System given the availability of CDBG-DR funding; and





WHEREAS, as part of the CDBG-DR funding, the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery, acting as lead agency, has, under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), determined that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment; and


WHEREAS, to effectuate the project requires an intermunicipal agreement between the Town and the County to provide reimbursement to the Town for the work performed that benefits the County highway system; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that Ulster County Legislature concurs with the Lead Agency determination that the project as proposed will not have a significant impact on the environment and a negative declaration is hereby adopted; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature is authorized to execute an intermunicipal agreement and any related amendments with the Town, for the work to be performed on improving the resiliency of the Bushkill Bridge, and County Road No. 139, in the form as filed with the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature or as modified and approved by the County Attorney; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that Capital Project No. 547 is hereby established as follows:


    CREATE                                 AMOUNT


Capital Project No. 547                      Bushkill Bridge                        $200,000.00


and be it further,


RESOLVED, the 2019 Ulster County Capital Fund Budget is hereby amended as follows:

                                                           INCREASE                                     AMOUNT 


HH.5197.0547.4300.4355             Capital Project No. 547                    $200,000.00

(App. #)                                             Bushkill Bridge


HH.5197.0547.3500.5710              Serial Bonds                                        $200,000.00

(Rev. #)


and move its adoption.





AYES:                        NOES:    



Passed Committee: Public Works and Capital Projects on ______________.


Passed Committee: Ways and Means on _____________.









Current Text: PDF


Updated: July 2, 2019