Resolution Information
Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators
Allen, Bartels, Belfiglio, Briggs, Maio, and Maloney)
Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Richard A. Gerentine, and Deputy
Chairman Thomas J. Briggs offer the following:
WHEREAS, this resolution has been offered by the County Executive on
behalf of the Department of Finance; and
WHEREAS, there are several parcels of real property located within the
Villages of Ellenville, New Paltz and Saugerties that the County anticipates acquiring
due to non-payment of taxes (the “Parcels”), and the County will offer these Parcels
for sale at a public auction; and
WHEREAS, portions of the delinquent taxes owed on the said Parcels of real
property are owed to the respective villages; and
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance has recommended entering into
agreements with the Villages of Ellenville, New Paltz and Saugerties, to provide for
the division of the proceeds from the sale of Parcels within said Villages; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature is hereby
authorized to enter into agreements with the Village of Ellenville, the Village of New
Paltz, and the Village of Saugerties, relative to the division of proceeds of the sale of
said Parcels, such agreements to be in the form as filed with the Clerk of the Ulster
County Legislature or as modified with the approval of the County Attorney,
and move its adoption.
AYES: 23 NOES: 0
Passed Committee: Ways and Means on January 26, 2016
I, the undersigned Clerk of the Legislature of the County of Ulster, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is
the original resolution adopted by the Ulster County Legislature on the 26th Day of January in the year Two Thousand and
Sixteen, and said resolution shall remain on file in the office of said clerk.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County of Ulster this 29th Day of January
in the year Two Thousand and Sixteen.
|s| Victoria A. Fabella
Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk
Ulster County Legislature
Submitted to the County Executive this Approved by the County Executive this
29th Day of January, 2016. 5
th Day of February, 2016.
|s| Victoria A. Fabella |s| Michael P. Hein
Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Michael P. Hein, County Executive
Ulster County Legislature
Current Text: PDF
Updated: October 27, 2020
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no voteCommittee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 58
Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 58
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 58