Resolution Information
Referred to: The Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit
Committee (Chairman Briggs and Legislators Allen, Archer, Bartels, Litts, Maio, and
Chairman of the Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning, and Transit
Committee, Thomas J. Briggs, and Deputy Chairman James F. Maloney offer the
WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted by the County Executive on
behalf of the Department of Planning; and
WHEREAS, Ulster County is a sub-recipient receiving New York State
Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds, as
administered by the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) of the New
York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC) to assist in addressing unmet
needs from either Hurricane Irene, Tropical Storm Lee, or Superstorm Sandy; and
WHEREAS, participation in the New York State CDBG-DR Program
requires the adoption and implementation of an Affirmative Action Plan to meet
the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) requirements of Executive Order
11246 and other program policies; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this plan is to prohibit workplace employment
discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender, creed, national
origin, physical or mental disability, marital status, veteran status, disabled veteran
status, or status as a member of any other protected group or activity; now,
therefore be it
RESOLVED Affirmative Action Plan as filed with the Clerk of the
Legislature be hereby officially adopted for implementation in Ulster County’s
New York State CDBG-DR Program,
and move its adoption.
AYES: 22 NOES: 0
(Legislator Briggs left at 7:46 PM)
Passed Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning, and
Transit on September 1, 2015
I, the undersigned Clerk of the Legislature of the County of Ulster, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is
the original resolution adopted by the Ulster County Legislature on the 15th Day of September in the year Two Thousand
and Fifteen, and said resolution shall remain on file in the office of said clerk.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County of Ulster this 17th Day of
September in the year Two Thousand and Fifteen.
|s| Victoria A. Fabella
Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk
Ulster County Legislature
Submitted to the County Executive this Approved by the County Executive this
17th Day of September, 2015. 24th Day of September, 2015.
|s| Victoria A. Fabella |s| Michael P. Hein
Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Michael P. Hein, County Executive
Ulster County Legislature
Current Text: PDF
Updated: October 27, 2020
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no voteVote to Adopt Resolution No. 343
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 343
Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 343