Resolution No. 8

Confirming Appointment Of A Michael Zierler To The Ulster County Board Of Health

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Health, Human Services and Human Rights Committee (Chairman Uchitelle and Legislators Collins, Corcoran, Harmon, Kitchen, Lopez, and McCollough)


Chairman of the Health, Human Services and Housing Committee, Abe Uchitelle, and Deputy Chair Craig V. Lopez offer the following:


WHEREAS, pursuant to Section C-42(A) of the Ulster County Charter and Section A5-3(A) of the Administrative Code:  Board of Health. “Appointment. There shall be a Board of Health consisting of seven members who shall be appointed by the County Executive for a term of five years, subject to confirmation by the Legislature, except that of the members first appointed to the Board of Health following adoption of this Charter, two members shall hold office for the term of one year, two members for the term of two years, one member for the term of three years, one member for the term of four years, and one member for the term of five years from and after their appointment. Two members shall be physicians. One member shall be a licensed health care professional who is not a physician. One member shall be selected from among three nominees submitted to the County Executive by the Mayor of the City of Kingston. If a vacancy shall occur other than by expiration of a term, it shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term in the same manner as specified in this subsection. The members of the County Health Board shall select the Chairman of that Board for a term of one year. No member of the Board of Health shall serve for more than two consecutive terms. Members of the Board of Health shall receive no compensation for services rendered but shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, within appropriations made for such purposes.; and


        WHEREAS, the County Executive has appointed the following individual to the Ulster County Board of Health:


          Michael Zierler                                    Term to Begin: Present

New Paltz, NY 12561                           Term Expires: 12/31/2029;


now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature hereby confirms the appointment of Michael Zierler to the Ulster County Board of Health for the term indicated above,


and move its adoption.






AYES:                     NOES:                 



Passed Committee: Health, Human Services and Human Rights ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­on ______________.





Current Text: PDF


Updated: January 31, 2025

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
