Resolution No. 110

Appointing Chair Peter J. Criswell As The Ulster County Legislature’s Member To Serve On The County Jury Board

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Laws, Rules and Government Services Committee (Chairman Kovacs and Legislators Gavaris, Hansut, Harmon, Kitchen, Levine, and Uchitelle)


Chairman of the Laws, Rules and Government Services Committee, Jason Kovacs, and Deputy Chair Aaron Levine offer the following:


          WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 503(a)(1) of the New York State Judiciary Law:  County jury board. (a) There shall be established for each county a jury board composed as follows:


1.   In counties outside cities having a population of  one million  or more, except in the counties of Albany, Westchester, Suffolk and Nassau,  the  county jury board shall consist of one justice of the supreme court residing in the county, or if there is no justice  residing  therein,  a justice  residing  in  the  judicial district embracing the county to be designated by the appropriate  appellate  division,  who  shall  act  as chairman;  the  judge of the county court, or if there be more than one, then the senior county judge; and a member of the county legislature to be designated by the county legislature, provided that no such member of the county legislature shall be designated if he engages in the practice of law;
now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature hereby designates Chair Peter J. Criswell to serve on the Ulster County Jury Board, for a term to expire on December 31, 2025,


and move its adoption.





AYES:                    NOES:    



Passed Committee: Laws, Rules, and Government Services on ______________.







Current Text: PDF


Updated: March 28, 2025