Resolution Information
Referred to: The Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee (Chairwoman Petit and Legislators Erner, Fabiano, Litts, and Nolan), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Cahill, Criswell, Roberts, and Ronk)
Chairwoman of the Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee, Laura Petit, and Deputy Chair Dean J. Fabiano offer the following:
WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the County Executive on behalf of the Department of Public Works and the Department of Purchasing; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 319 of October 11, 2001, established a County policy requiring the Purchasing Director and relevant department heads to explore the use of a Project Labor Agreement for construction projects over $1,000,000 dollars; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 444 of October 19, 2021 established Capital Project No. 607 for the construction of a Government Operations Center (the “Project”); and
WHEREAS Capital Project No. 607 has an estimated budget that exceeds the $1,000,000 as contained in the 2023-2027 Capital Program; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works, after the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. UC23-050 for Capital Project No. 607, engaged Arace & Company Consulting, LLC, to perform a Project Labor Agreement Feasibility Study (PLFAS) to determine the benefits, if any, that would accrue to the Project from the use of a Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”); and
WHEREAS, after PLA Feasibility Study for the Ulster County’s Government Operations Center Project, concludes that using a Project Labor Agreement may be of material benefit to Ulster County with a potential savings of approximately $432,237.00 (6.4% of labor cost) related to construction of the Project if it is decided to implement a PLA on this project; and
WHEREAS, the implementation of a Project Labor Agreement will best serve Ulster County’s interest in obtaining the best work and the lowest possible price, prevent favoritism, fraud and gaining measurable management flexibility and benefits and promoting other public interests including avoidance of delays and local labor unrest; and
WHEREAS, based on careful review and consideration of the findings in the PLFAS, the Commissioner of Public Works and the Director of Purchasing recommend that a Project Labor Agreement be made part of the Project, subject to the review and ratification by the Ulster County Legislature; and
WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature has reviewed the PLFAS as filed with the Clerk of the Legislature; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature hereby ratifies the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Purchasing Director to use a Project Labor Agreement for Capital Project No. 607, the Ulster County Government Operations Center based on projected labor cost savings and the non-economic public benefits likely to accrue and contribute to the Project success,
and moves its adoption.
Passed Committee: Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation on ____________.
Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ____________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: January 2, 2024
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no voteVote to Adopt Resolution No. 754
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 754
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 754