Resolution No. 311

Authorizing The Commissioner Of Finance To Accept Bids For Parcels Of County-Owned Real Property For Private Sale And Authorizing The Chair Of The Ulster County Legislature To Convey Such Parcels – Department Of Finance

Resolution Information




Referred to:  The Ways and Means Committee (Chairwoman Archer and Legislators Gerentine, Maio, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, Petit, and Rodriguez)


Chairwoman of the Ways and Means Committee, Lynn Archer, and Deputy Chair Richard A. Gerentine offer the following:


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted by the County Executive on behalf of the Department of Finance; and


            WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance has requested permission to accept bids for parcels of county-owned real property as hereinafter described, which was acquired by the County pursuant to Article 11 of New York Real Property Tax Law by reason of non-payment of taxes, and has previously been offered at a public auction; and


WHEREAS, parcel #17 of the 2019 Public Auction, listed as 1.64 acres, described as vacant, 28 Amanda Circle, in the Town of Lloyd, section block and lot number 79.2-1-9.357, has unpaid taxes in the amount of $17,497.00 dating back to the year 2016; and


WHEREAS, the prospective purchaser of parcel #17 has bid $17,497.00 for the property which are the taxes due; and


WHEREAS, parcel #18 of the 2019 Public Auction, listed as 11.03 acres, described as vacant, 8 Amanda Circle, in the Town of Lloyd, section block and lot number 79.2-1-9.358, has unpaid taxes in the amount of $17,256.00 dating back to the year 2016; and


WHEREAS, the prospective purchaser of parcel #18 has bid $17,256.00 for the property which are the taxes due; and


WHEREAS, parcel #20 of the 2019 Public Auction, listed as 11.03 acres, described as vacant, Route 9W, in the Town of Lloyd, section block and lot number 80.3-2-4.100, has unpaid taxes in the amount of $69,135.00 dating back to the year 2015; and


WHEREAS, the prospective purchaser of parcel #20 has bid $15,000.00 for the property which is the upset price as determined by the Ulster County Real Property Tax Service Agency; and




WHEREAS, parcel #40 of the 2019 Public Auction, listed as 1.15 acres, described as residential, 26 Maple Avenue, in the Town of Marlborough, section block and lot number103.1-3-32.200, has unpaid taxes in the amount of $106,758.00 dating back to the year 2014; and


WHEREAS, the prospective purchaser of parcel #40 has bid $10,000.00 for the property which is the upset price as determined by the Ulster County Real Property Tax Service Agency; and


WHEREAS, parcel #75 of the 2019 Public Auction, listed as 1.55 acres, described as vacant, Queens Hwy, in the Town of Rochester, section block and lot number 60.3-3-14, has unpaid taxes in the amount of $5,825.00 dating back to the year 2016; and


WHEREAS, the prospective purchaser of parcel #75 has bid $5,825.00 for the property which are the taxes due; and


WHEREAS, said parcel #84 of the 2019 Public Auction, listed as .50 of an acre, described as vacant, Rose St., in the Town of Rosendale, section block and lot number 62.20-2-8, has unpaid taxes in the amount of $2,722.00 dating back to the year 2016; and


WHEREAS, the prospective purchaser of parcel #84 has bid $2,722.00 for the property which are the taxes due; and


            WHEREAS, the prospective purchasers of each of the aforementioned properties shall be responsible for the 2018-19 school tax and all subsequent tax levies; and 


WHEREAS, these conveyances constitute Type II actions under section 4.1.5 of the County of Ulster’s State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) Type II List that was adopted in Resolution No. 118 on April 20, 2010; and


            WHEREAS, as per section 3 of the County’s Type II List, these actions do not pose a significant potential environmental impact and may be progressed as Type II actions in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617 of SEQRA; now therefore, be it





RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Commissioner of Finance is authorized to accept payment as follows:


PREVIOUS OWNER/TOWN                  BIDDER                             BID AMOUNT


Highland Views LLC/Lloyd                       Muller, Erich B.                    $17,497.00   

SBL#: 79.2-1-9.357                                    Muller, Deana A.

Parcel # 17                                                    220 Martin Avenue

Unpaid Taxes: $17,497.00                          Highland, NY  12528


Highland Views LLC/Lloyd                       Muller, Erich B.                    $17,256.00   

SBL#: 79.2-1-9.358                                    Muller, Deana A.

Parcel # 18                                                    220 Martin Avenue

Unpaid Taxes: $17,256.00                          Highland, NY  12528


W A Lloyd LLC/Lloyd                                Kakiashvili, Nina                 $15,000.00

SBL#: 80.3-2-4.100                                     254 Knox Ave, Apt 12

Parcel # 20                                                    Clliffside Park, NJ  07010

Unpaid Taxes: $ 69,135.00


Ulster Griffin Realty/Marlborough           Mezile, Marie                       $10,000.00

SBL#: 103.1-3-32.200                                1602 Meadowbrook Circle

Parcel # 40                                                    New Paltz, NY  12561

Unpaid Taxes: $106,758.00


Stendardo Tho & Caroline/Rochester       Kakiashvili, Nina                 $  5,825.00

SBL#: 60.3-3-14                                          254 Knox Ave, Apt 12       

Parcel # 75                                                    Cliffside Park, NJ  07010

Unpaid Taxes: $5,825.00


Valley Stream/Rosendale                            Baldelli-Hendrick, Cris A.   $ 2,722.00

Properties, LLC                                             PO Box 240

SBL#: 62.20-2-8                                          Ruby, NY  12475

Parcel # 84

Unpaid Taxes: $2,722.00


and, be it further




RESOLVED, that the Chairwoman of the Ulster County Legislature is authorized and directed to make, execute and deliver to each bidder making payment, a quitclaim deed conveying the interest of the County in the related parcel, which quitclaim deed shall contain the covenant that the said County of Ulster shall in no event be or become liable for any defects in title conveyed for any cause whatsoever, and that no claim or demand of any nature shall ever be made against the County of Ulster arising from such sale, conveyance or the proceedings leading thereto

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Updated: August 21, 2019