Resolution No. 106

Approving The Work Order With The Dormitory Authority Of The State Of New York (DASNY) To Provide Design Services For The Gym Wall Repair (Replacement) Project, Related To Capital Project No. 466 SUNY Ulster– Gym Wall Repair (Replacement) – Ulster County Community College

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Public Works and Capital Projects Committee (Chairwoman Petit and Legislators Fabiano, Greene, Litts, and Nolan), The Legislative Programs, Education and Community Services Committee (Chairman Delaune and Legislators Collins, Donaldson, Haynes, and Wawro), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairwoman Archer and Legislators Gerentine, Maio, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, Petit, and Rodriguez)


Chairman of the Legislative Programs, Education and Community Services Committee, James Delaune, and Deputy Chair Heidi Haynes, offer the following:


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted by the Acting County Executive on behalf of the Ulster County Community College (“UCCC”); and 


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 50, dated January 26, 2016, established Capital Project No. 466 SUNY Ulster – Gym Wall Replacement and amended the 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Plan to add and fund such project in the amount of $113,080.00; and  


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 259, dated June 19, 2018, authorized the Chairman of The Ulster County Legislature to enter into an agreement with the Dormitory Authority Of The State of New York (“DASNY”) for project management services; and 


WHEREAS, the College and the County are now formally requesting to complete the design phase for the repair/replacement of the gym wall from DASNY; and 


WHEREAS, the SUNY Ulster Board of Trustees approved the Work Order No. 2019-003 withDASNY (Capital Project: Gym Wall Repair/Replacement) via Resolution #19-02-53, at the Board of Trustees meeting held in February 2019; and 


WHEREAS, such Work Order totals $55,000.00 (inclusive of DASNY fee of $10,000.00) for such project, which will be divided as follows: $27,500.00 State and $27,500.00 Ulster County; now, therefore, be it  







RESOLVED, the Ulster County Legislature hereby approves the Work Order No. 2019-003 Gym Wall Repair/Replacement with DASNY for the provision of providing design services for the Capital Project: Gym Wall Repair/Replacement Project,


and move its adoption.





AYES:                        NOES:    



Passed Committee: Public Works and Capital Projects on ______________.


Passed Committee: Legislative Programs, Education and Community Services on ________________.


Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ______________.




$27,500.00 – BUDGETED CAPITAL PROJECT NO. 466 APPROPRATIONS                   


                      PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED

Current Text: PDF


Updated: April 11, 2019