Resolution No. 215

Authorizing The Chairman Of The Ulster County Legislature To Execute An Inter-Municipal Agreement With The Town Of Shawangunk - Hamlet Of Wallkill Water District For Replacement Of The Water District’s Waterline Currently On The Wallkill Bridge – Department Of Public Works

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Public Works and Capital Projects Committee (Chairman Fabiano

and Legislators Greene, Litts, Loughran, and Maloney), and The Ways and Means

Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Allen, Bartels, Belfiglio, Briggs,

Maio, and Maloney)

Chairman of the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee, Dean J. Fabiano, and

Deputy Chairman Peter M. Loughran offer the following:

WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted by the County Executive on

behalf of the Department of Public Works, and

WHEREAS, the Wallkill Bridge (BIN # 3347320), owned by the County of

Ulster, that carries County Route 18 (Bruyn Turnpike) over the Wallkill River in the

Town of Shawangunk has been determined to be in need of extensive rehabilitation;


WHEREAS, the existing Wallkill Bridge (hereinafter the “Bridge”) carries a

waterline that services the Town of Shawangunk - Hamlet of Wallkill Water District

(hereinafter the “Waterline”) that will need to be replaced as part of the Bridge

rehabilitation; and

WHEREAS, the “Building a Better Ulster County” Infrastructure Investment

Program addresses critical road and bridge improvements at the County level to

improve the County’s aging infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, the County of Ulster has established Capital Project No. 439 in



WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Ulster County Department of Public

Works requests that the Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature be authorized to

execute an inter-municipal agreement with the Town of Shawangunk - Hamlet of

Wallkill Water District with respect to reimbursement to the County for costs

associated with the Waterline, and to reiterate the Town of Shawangunk - Hamlet of

Wallkill Water District’s resumption of maintenance of and responsibility for the

Waterline upon completion of the Waterline portion of the Project; now, therefore, be


RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature is authorized

to execute an inter-municipal agreement, in the form as filed with the Clerk of the

Ulster County Legislature or as modified and approved by the County Attorney, and

any amendments thereto, with the Town of Shawangunk - Hamlet of Wallkill Water

District to reimburse the County for the cost of replacing the Waterline and upon

completion of the replacement, to resume all maintenance of and responsibility for

the Waterline carried by the Wallkill Bridge,

and move its adoption.


AYES: 21 NOES: 0

(Absent: Legislators Delaune and Fabiano)


Passed Committee: Public Works and Capital Projects on May 3, 2017

Passed Committee: Ways and Means on May 9, 2017







I, the undersigned Clerk of the Legislature of the County of Ulster, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is

the original resolution adopted by the Ulster County Legislature on the 16th Day of May in the year Two Thousand and

Seventeen, and said resolution shall remain on file in the office of said clerk.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County of Ulster this 18th Day of May in

the year Two Thousand and Seventeen.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk

Ulster County Legislature

Submitted to the County Executive this Approved by the County Executive this

18th Day of May, 2017. 23rd Day of May, 2017.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella |s| Michael P. Hein

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Michael P. Hein, County Executive

Ulster County Legislature 

Current Text: PDF



Updated: January 30, 2019