Resolution No. 410

Authorizing Budget Director To Make Certain Transfers Of Funds – Department Of Budget

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Collins, Hansut, Kovacs, Nolan, and Roberts)


Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, John Gavaris, and Deputy Chair Kevin A. Roberts offer the following:


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the County Executive on behalf of the Department of Budget; and 


WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance has requested various transfers and budgetary amendments that are required to close out the 2023 financial records of the County; and


WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance has provided to the Budget Director a schedule of the transfers necessary to close out the 2023 financial records; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Budget Director is hereby authorized to make transfers of funds and budgetary amendments as are identified in the schedule on file with the Clerk of the Legislature, to properly close out the 2023 financial records of the County; and be it further,


RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Budget Director is hereby authorized to make transfers of funds and budgetary amendments as identified by the County’s external auditors, to properly close out the 2023 financial records of the County; and be it further,


RESOLVED, any transfers of funds and budgetary amendments made by the Budget Director as identified by the County’s external auditors shall be reported to the Legislature within 5 business days of making said transfer,


and moves its adoption.




AYES:                    NOES:      


Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ________________.




Current Text: PDF


Updated: July 30, 2024