Resolution No. 365

Amending The 2014-2019 Capital Program and Capital Project No. 370, STRIVE – SUNY Ulster Satellite Campus, To Include The Costs of Construction – Department Of Public Works (Buildings And Grounds)

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Public Works and Capital Projects Committee (Chairman Fabiano

and Legislators Allen, Greene, Loughran, and Roberts), The Legislative Programs,

Education and Community Services Committee (Chairman Donaldson and

Legislators Archer, Gregorius, Lopez, and Wawro), and The Ways and Means

Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Bartels, Belfiglio, Briggs, Maio,

Maloney, Provenzano, and Rodriguez)

Chairman of the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee, Dean J. Fabiano, and

Deputy Chairman Peter M. Loughran offer the following:

WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted by the County Executive on

behalf of the Department of Public Works; and

WHEREAS, Ulster County is advancing the implementation of the Strategic

Taxpayer Relief through Innovative Visions in Education (“STRIVE”) initiative; and

WHEREAS, STRIVE was launched in 2012 as a collaborative initiative

between Ulster County, SUNY Ulster, the City of Kingston, and the Kingston City

School District to advance mutual goals, including revitalization and adaptive re-use

of a vacant urban elementary school building as a community college center,

consolidation of County government offices and improvement of service delivery to

the public, expansion of educational and job training opportunities for local students,

and generation of long-term financial savings to County, City and School District

taxpayers; and

WHEREAS, STRIVE has as its cornerstone, the relocation of the SUNY

Ulster/ Ulster County Community College (“UCCC”) Extension Center from the

Business Resource Center to the former Sophie Finn Elementary School (“Sophie

Finn”) at 94 Mary’s Avenue in Kingston, New York, adjacent to Kingston High

School; and

WHEREAS, in order for Sophie Finn to be repurposed and utilized as a

UCCC extension center, renovations and improvements must be made to the building

and site (the “Project”); and

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Resolution No. 365 October 21, 2014

Amending The 2014-2019 Capital Program and Capital Project No.

370, STRIVE – SUNY Ulster Satellite Campus, To Include The Costs

of Construction – Department Of Public Works (Buildings And


WHEREAS, on October 16, 2012, the County Legislature created Capital

Project No. 370 by Resolution No. 261 in order to authorize $440,000 for preliminary

architectural design and environmental and legal reviews for the Project as

recommended by the UCCC Board of Trustees in its resolution dated September 28,

2012, and additionally, the County Legislature adopted Resolution No. 260 accepting

$500,000 in private grant funding from The Dyson Foundation for the Project; and

WHEREAS, on April 16, 2013, the County Legislature pursuant to Resolution

No. 97 authorized the Chairman to execute an agreement to receive $1,500,000 in

grant funding (minus a $15,000 administrative fee) from the New York State Empire

State Development Corporation, which was awarded to Ulster County for the Project

through the 2012 Consolidated Funding Application competitive process; and

WHEREAS, in May 2013, the voters of the Kingston City School District

approved through public referendum the sale of Sophie Finn, which was slated to close

in June 2013, to Ulster County for a negotiated cost of $300,000; and

WHEREAS, on June 18, 2013, following the preliminary architectural design

phase and issuance of the Project Feasibility Study, the County Legislature amended

Capital Project No. 370 by Resolution No. 178 authorizing an additional $160,700

for the purpose of architectural and engineering design development, additional legal

and SEQRA reviews, and construction management services for the Project, bringing

the total Capital Project authorization to $600,700; and

WHEREAS, on November 19, 2013, following the development of the

Schematic Architectural Design for the Project, the County Legislature passed

Resolution No. 300 endorsing a revised Project totaling an estimated $7,057,450,

which included Sophie Finn acquisition costs, architectural and engineering

expenses, estimated construction costs, construction management fees, abatement

costs, and legal and other professional services as recommended and endorsed by the

UCCC Board of Trustees in its Resolution dated November 11, 2013; and

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Resolution No. 365 October 21, 2014

Amending The 2014-2019 Capital Program and Capital Project No.

370, STRIVE – SUNY Ulster Satellite Campus, To Include The Costs

of Construction – Department Of Public Works (Buildings And


WHEREAS, in December 2013, the County received an additional grant

award for $439,000 through the New York State Environmental Facilities

Corporation to add green infrastructure and innovative stormwater elements that were

not previously included in the revised Project and would be added as a result of the

award of additional State grant funding for such elements, bringing the total

estimated project cost to $7,496,450; and

WHEREAS, on December 17, 2013, the County Legislature passed

Resolution No. 391 to adopt and issue a Negative Declaration under 6 NYCRR Part

617 State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) for the purchase and

rehabilitation of Sophie Finn for use as the SUNY Ulster Kingston Extension Center;


WHEREAS, on March 18, 2014, the County Legislature further amended

Capital Project No. 370 pursuant to Resolution No. 96, to authorize an additional

$366,085 for Sophie Finn acquisitions costs and additional architectural and

engineering services, including for grant funded green infrastructure elements,

bringing the total Capital Project authorization to $966,785; and

WHEREAS, on April 15, 2014, the County Legislature pursuant to Resolution

No. 143 authorized the Chairman to execute an agreement to receive $439,000 in

grant funding from the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation

(“EFC”) for Green Infrastructure elements for the Project, and said agreement was

finalized and executed in September 2014 following EFC review and revisions; and

WHEREAS, on May 20, 2014, the County Legislature pursuant to Resolution

No. 168 authorized the Chairman to enter into a contract of sale with the Kingston

City School District for the purchase of Sophie Finn; and

WHEREAS, on June 24, 2014, final approval from the City of Kingston for the

subdivision of the approximately 6-acre Sophie Finn Building site from the Kingston

High School property was granted; and

WHEREAS, on August 6, 2014, Ulster County finalized the transfer of

ownership of Sophie Finn from the Kingston City School District to Ulster County; and

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Resolution No. 365 October 21, 2014

Amending The 2014-2019 Capital Program and Capital Project No.

370, STRIVE – SUNY Ulster Satellite Campus, To Include The Costs

of Construction – Department Of Public Works (Buildings And


WHEREAS, on August 19, 2014, the County Legislature pursuant to Resolution

No. 294 amended Capital Project No. 370 to authorize an additional $461,800 for the

costs of abatement of hazardous materials as well as architectural and other professional

services related to hazardous material abatement and green infrastructure elements,

bringing the total Capital Project authorization to $1,428,585; and

WHEREAS, in September 2014, hazardous materials abatement at Sophie

Finn commenced and bids for construction of the Project were released in order to

allow construction to begin in November 2014; and

WHEREAS, it is now necessary to increase funding for Capital Project No.

370 by $6,402,315.00 for costs associated with construction, including site work,

general construction, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical, thereby bringing the total

Capital Project authorization to $7,830,900.00; and

WHEREAS, the sources of funding for the implementation of the Project are

as follows: $3,765,450.00 from the SUNY Office of Capital Facilities; $1,485,000

from New York State Empire State Development, $500,000 from The Dyson

Foundation; $439,000 from the New York State Environmental Facilities

Corporation; and the remaining $1,641,450.00 obtained through issuing bonds of

Ulster County, which UCCC will finance through lease payments for the Sophie Finn

facility; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED,that the 2014-2019 Capital Program is hereby amended as


STRIVE – SUNY Ulster Satellite Campus $7,830,900.00


and, be it further

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Resolution No. 365 October 21, 2014

Amending The 2014-2019 Capital Program and Capital Project No.

370, STRIVE – SUNY Ulster Satellite Campus, To Include The Costs

of Construction – Department Of Public Works (Buildings And


RESOLVED, that Capital Project No. 370 and the Capital Fund are hereby

amended as follows:


HH.2497.0370-2300.2550 Construction $6,402,315.00


HH.2497.0370-3500.5710 Serial Bonds $ 6,402,315.00


and move its adoption.


AYES: 23 NOES: 0

Passed Committee: Ways and Means on October 15, 2014

Passed Committee: Legislative Programs, Education and Community Services on

October 15, 2014

Passed Committee: Public Works and Capital Projects on October 21, 2014




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Resolution No. 365 October 21, 2014

Amending The 2014-2019 Capital Program and Capital Project No.

370, STRIVE – SUNY Ulster Satellite Campus, To Include The Costs

of Construction – Department Of Public Works (Buildings And





This is to certify that I, the undersigned Clerk of the Legislature of the County of Ulster have compared the

foregoing resolution with the original resolution now on file in the office of said clerk, and which was adopted by said

Legislature on the 21st Day of October, 2014, and that the same is a true and correct transcript of said resolution and of the

whole thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County of Ulster this 22nd Day of

October in the year Two Thousand and Fourteen.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk

Ulster County Legislature

Submitted to the County Executive this Approved by the County Executive this

22nd Day of October, 2014. 30

th Day of October, 2014.

|s| Victoria A. Fabella |s| Michael P. Hein

Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Michael P. Hein, County Executive

Ulster County Legislature

Current Text: PDF



Updated: October 27, 2020

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote