Resolution No. 95

Appointing Members To The Transit Riders’ And Intermodal Advisory Committee

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Housing and Transportation Committee (Chairman Collins and Legislators Clinton, Corcoran, Harmon, Kitchen, McCollough, and Stewart)


Legislators Kathy Nolan and Greg McCollough offer the following:  


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 426 adopted by the Ulster County Legislature on September 19, 2023 created the Transit Riders’ and Intermodal Advisory Committee (TRIAC); and


WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 426, the TRIAC shall made up of thirteen (13) total members, including one (1) Legislator appointed by the Majority Leader, Legislator Greg McCollough, and one (1) Legislator appointed by the Minority Leader, Legislator Joe Maloney; and:


WHEREAS, further pursuant to Resolution No. 426, “the remaining 11 members, subject to confirmation by the Legislature, shall include seven (7) at large members who regularly use the public transportation system; and four (4) from community and/or philanthropic organizations i.e. paratransit, trails, bike safety etc. who advocate for people in need of public transportation;” and


WHEREAS, in accordance with Resolution No. 426, candidates interested in serving on the TRIAC completed an application with resume for review by the legislative committee charged with oversight of transportation, then the Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee; and


WHEREAS, a subcommittee of the Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee was formed and met for the purpose of reviewing applicants and making recommendations for appointment to the TRIAC; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the subcommittee of the former Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee, the following individuals are hereby appointed to the Ulster County Transit Riders’ Intermodal Advisory Committee for terms effective immediately and expiring as indicated below:


At Large Members:


1 Member  - Term Expiring December 31, 2025 : TBD

3 Members - Term Expiring December 31, 2026 : Matthew Burd, Brigid McGinn, and

   Dylan Moscoso 

3 Members - Term Expiring December 31, 2027 : Gemma Calinda, Japheth Wood,

   and Kwame Holmes



Community and/or Philanthropic Organization Members:


2 Members - Term Expiring December 31, 2025 : Ella Ray Kondrat and TBD

2 Members - Term Expiring December 31, 2027 : Rose Quinn and Keith Gurgui


and moves its adoption.





AYES:                        NOES:      



Passed Committee: Housing and Transportation on ________________.






Current Text: PDF


Updated: March 28, 2025