Resolution Information
Referred to: The Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee (Chairwoman Hansut and Legislators Clinton, Hewitt, Levine, Maloney, McCollough and Walls)
Chairwoman of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee, Gina Hansut, and Deputy Chair Chris Hewitt offer the following:
WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the County Executive on behalf of the Ulster County Department Of Emergency Communications/Emergency Management, Ulster County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Information Services; and
WHEREAS, the Ulster County Department Of Emergency Communications/Emergency Management, the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office, and the Department of Information Services collectively manage the County-Wide Public Safety System; and
WHEREAS, the County-Wide Public Safety System is a shared software system that manages Emergency Incidents and all its associated records countywide; and
WHEREAS, the City of Kingston is the authority having jurisdiction that oversees the City of Kingston Police Department and City Kingston Fire Department; and
WHEREAS, both agencies participating in the use of the County Public Safety System will enhance emergency response capabilities and improve coordination; and
WHEREAS, the shared use of this technology infrastructure—including Computer Aided Dispatch, Records Management, and mobile applications—will promote more efficient and effective public safety operations across jurisdictions, ultimately providing residents with better emergency services and protection; and
WHEREAS, the MOU requires no matching County dollars; now, therefore be it;
RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature is hereby authorized to sign an agreement and any amendments thereto, with the City of Kingston and the Ulster County Department Of Emergency Communications/ Emergency Management, Ulster County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Information Services for use of the Public Safety System in the form as filed with the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature or as modified with the approval of the County Attorney,
and moves its adoption.
Passed Committee: Law Enforcement and Public Safety on _______________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: March 28, 2025
Votes on this Resolution
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