Resolution No. 124

Establishing A Policy Requiring Vendor Reporting As A Component Of Executing Certain Contract Extensions On Behalf Of Ulster County For Professional Services

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Collins, Hansut, Kovacs, Nolan, Roberts, and Uchitelle)


Legislator Joseph Maloney offers the following:


WHEREAS, Ulster County (“the County”)utilizes contractual agreements for professional services with third party organizations in the delivery of essential and vital public services, some of which are subject to approval by the Ulster County Legislature consistent with the terms of the Charter; and


WHEREAS, the County upholds high financial and managerial standards for each vendor delivering professional services for the County and conducting business on behalf of the County; and


WHEREAS, it is essential that the County maintainhigh standards in the performance and delivery of contracted professional services which the Legislature acknowledges are vital to many Ulster County residents; and


WHEREAS, contracts with Ulster County for the delivery of professional services currently contain language whichrequires detailed reporting of program activities, services provided, goals met, and outstanding deliverables which are generally due upon the completion of each contract prior to the submission of any final invoices for payment; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature acknowledges that these reporting requirements are vital to the determination of a contract’s true value to the County and to the determination of whether a vendor is acting in compliance with the County’s performance, legal, and ethical expectations; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature deems it necessary to enact policy to ensure the County is contracting with vendors that are actively meeting contractual and programmatic delivery expectations to the maximum extent possible when working for the County and conducting business on behalf of the County; and


WHEREAS, current delivery expectations on these standard reporting requirements are insufficient for appropriate and adequate decision-making when considering contract extensions and/or renewals; and




WHEREAS, pursuant to § C-74 B. (4) of the Ulster County Charter, the Ulster County Purchasing Director shall perform such other and related duties as shall be required and delegated by the County Executive or County Legislature; now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, that it shall be the policy of Ulster County that no less than all professional services contracts requiring approval by the Legislature, and thosewhich contain an option to renew to extend the terms of agreementfor professional services, executed on or after July 1, 2025 shall contain language which requires thedelivery of a report detailing program activities, services provided, goals met, outstanding deliverables, and, if applicable, any issues with upcoming deadlines be submitted by the vendor prior to the Department’s decision to exercise theoption to amend and/orrenew; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that all applicable contracts and contract amendmentssubmitted for consideration by the Legislature consistent with the Ulster County Charter shall be accompanied by the aforementioned report; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature recommends the furtherance of this Policy to extend to all contracts and contract amendmentsfor professional services, including those which are not subject to approval by the Legislature under the authority in the Charter; and


RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Director, him/her/themself or through designee, shall ensure applicable contracts and contract amendmentswith vendors delivering professional services for the County and conducting business on behalf of the County executed on or after July 1, 2025 are in compliance with this Policy; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Director, him/her/themself or through designee, shall provide notice of this Policy on the county’s website and in all announcements, including contracts, procurement requests, and requests for proposals,    


and moves its adoption.








AYES:                       NOES:                      



Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ________________.






Current Text: PDF



Updated: March 28, 2025