7. Resolution No. 220

Establishing Capital Project No. 455 – Security Improvements-Various Buildings – Amending the 2015 – 2020 Capital Improvement Program - Department Of Public Works (Buildings & Grounds)

Resolution Information

Withdrawn by Sponsor



Referred to: The Public Works and Capital Projects Committee (Chairman Fabiano

and Legislators Archer, Greene, Loughran, and Roberts), and The Ways and Means

Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Allen, Belfiglio, Briggs, Gregorius,

Maio, Maloney, and Richard Parete)

Chairman of the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee, Dean J. Fabiano,

and Deputy Chairman Peter M. Loughran offer the following:

WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted by the County Executive on

behalf of the Department of Public Works; and

WHEREAS, this project will install passive and active security measures in

various County facilities increasing the safety of the staff and the public; and

WHEREAS, project expenditures in the amount of $1,250,000.00 for Security

Improvements – Various Buildings, have been approved in the 2015 – 2020 Capital

Program; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works requests $150,000.00

$75,000.00 for the current year in order to begin Phase I of the project, Consulting

and Design Services, in order to assess the security needs of all County facilities; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works requests that the 2015 – 2020

Capital Program be amended as follows; and

WHEREAS, based upon examination by the Ulster County Legislature, the

County’s funding of this Project constitutes a Type II action as defined under

Sections 2.2 of the County of Ulster’s State Environmental Quality Review Act

(SEQRA) Type II List, which was adopted pursuant to Resolution No. 118 dated

April 20, 2010; and

WHEREAS, Ulster County has determined that this funding action does not

pose a significant potential environmental impact and may be progressed as a Type II

action in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617 of SEQRA, and does not require any

further determination or procedure under SEQRA; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that Capital Project No. 455, Security Improvements-Various

Buildings, is hereby established; and be it further


RESOLVED, that the 2015 Ulster County Capital Fund is hereby amended as


Security Improvements/Various Buildings

 Year Amount

2015 $150,000.00 $75,000.00

2018 $100,000.00


HH.1997.0455-4300.4330 Professional Services-Architectural $150,000.00


(App. #)

HH.1997.0455-3500.5710 Serial Bonds $150,000.00


(Rev. #)

and move its adoption.




Passed Committee: Public Works and Capital Projects on May 7, 2015

Passed Committee: Ways and Means on May 13, 2015

Referred back to the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee and to the Law

Enforcement and Public Safety Committee at Legislative Session on May 19, 2015

Passed Committee As Amended: Public Works and Capital Projects on June 4, 2015.

Passed Committee: Law Enforcement and Public Safety on ____________.


$150,000.00 $75,000.00 – COUNTY FUNDS – SERIAL BONDS 

Current Text: PDF



Updated: October 27, 2020

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote