Resolution No. 709.1 of 2024

Establishing A Policy For Legislator Public Accessibility

Resolution Information

Resolution No. 709
Postponed in Committee



Referred to: The Laws, Rules and Government Services Committee (Chairman Kovacs and Legislators Gavaris, Hansut, Harmon, Kitchen, Levine, and Uchitelle)


Legislator Greg McCollough offers the following:


WHEREAS, effective communication between elected officials and their constituents is essential for a functioning democracy; and


WHEREAS, many citizens seek to engage with their legislators on issues of public concern outside of regular Monday through Friday business hours; and


WHEREAS, providing a personal contact number for public access can enhance transparency, accountability, and responsiveness of elected officials; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature hereby establishes the following policy regarding the accessibility of Legislators to the public:


1. Phone Number Requirement

A)  All Legislators shall provide a phone number that will be accessible to the public for inquiries and concerns outside of regular Monday through Friday business hours.

B) Legislators must ensure that the provided phone number is operational and monitored during evenings and weekends.


2. Communication Guidelines

A)  Legislators shall inform their constituents of the availability of their phone number(s) through official channels, including but not limited to the website of the Ulster County Legislature, Ulster County Directory, any newsletters sent, social media, and public forums.


3. Privacy and Security

A)  Legislators will have the option to utilize a designated phone line or a secure communication platform that maintains their privacy while allowing public access.

B)  Any sensitive personal information must be protected in accordance with relevant privacy laws; and, be it further


RESOLVED, this resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption,         


and move its adoption.






AYES:                       NOES:             



Passed Committee: Laws, Rules and Government Services on ________________.





Current Text: PDF



Updated: February 14, 2025

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
Thu, Feb 13, 2025 Laws, Rules And Government Services
Committee Vote to Postpone Resolution No. 709.1 2024
No Vote
