Resolution No. 473.8 of 2018

Setting A Public Hearing On Proposed Local Law No. 23 Of 2018, A Local Law Entitled “Ulster County Ethics Law”, To Be Held On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 At 6:10 PM

Resolution Information

Resolution No. 473.7 of 2018
Postponed in Committee



Referred to:  The Laws and Rules, Governmental Services Committee (Chairman Donaldson and Legislators Heppner, Roberts, Rodriguez, and Ronk)


Legislator Kenneth J. Ronk, Jr. offers the following:


WHEREAS, a public hearing is required to be held regarding Proposed Local Law No. 23 of 2018, (A Local Law Entitled “Ulster County Ethics Law”), a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 6:10 PM in the Legislative Chambers, Ulster County Office Building, 6th Floor, 244 Fair Street, Kingston, New York; now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, said Proposed Local Law No. 23 of 2018 is hereby submitted to the Ulster County Legislature and is hereby tabled pending the holding of a public hearing thereon; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature shall cause a legal notice of said public hearing to be published according to law; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that said public hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 6:10 PM in the Legislative Chambers, Ulster County Office Building, 6th Floor, 244 Fair Street, Kingston, New York,


and move its adoption.





AYES:                        NOES:    



Postponed in Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on November 19, 2018 with consent


Postponed in Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on December 17, 2018 with consent


Postponed in Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on February 19, 2019 with consent





No Acton Taken in Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on March 18, 2019


Postponed in Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on April 15, 2019 with consent


Postponed in Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on May 20, 2019 with consent


Postponed in Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on June 17, 2019 with consent


No Acton Taken in Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on July 15, 2019


Passed Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on ____________.





Current Text: PDF


Updated: August 23, 2019

Supporting Documents

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
