Resolution Information
Referred to: The Health, Human Services and Housing Committee (Chairman Uchitelle and Legislators Collins, Corcoran, Harmon, Kitchen, Lopez, and McCollough)
Chairman of the Health, Human Services and Housing Committee, Abe Uchitelle, and Deputy Chair Craig V. Lopez offer the following:
WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the County Executive on behalf of the Ulster County Department of Social Services; and
WHEREAS, Ulster County’s Family and Child Advocacy Center is tasked with investigating reports of allegations of child sexual abuse, serious physical abuse including any child fatalities, domestic violence as well as child trafficking and exploitation cases; and
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Ulster County Department of Social Services requests that the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature be authorized to execute an intermunicipal agreement with the Town of New Paltz to engage the activities of investigators assigned to the County’s Family and Child Advocacy Center; and
WHEREAS, there is no funding required for this Agreement; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature is hereby authorized to execute an intermunicipal agreement with Town of New Paltz, and any related amendments thereto, in the form as filed with the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature or as modified with the approval of the County Attorney,
and moves its adoption.
Passed Committee: Health, Human Services and Housing on ________________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: August 16, 2024
Votes on this Resolution
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