Resolution No. 242

Approving Ulster County’s Local Solid Waste Management Plan

Resolution Information

No Action Taken In Committee



Referred to: The Energy and Environment Committee (Chairwoman Greene and Legislators Bruno, Criswell, Petit, and Wawro)


Chairwoman of the Energy and Environment Committee, Manna Jo Greene, and Legislator Tracey A. Bartels offer the following:


WHEREAS, the residents and business of Ulster County currently generate approximately 130,000-135,000 tons of solid waste annually; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to state law, the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency (“UCRRA”) is responsible for, among other things, the management and disposal of the County’s solid waste, the development of the Local Solid Waste Management Plan, and the implementation and maintenance of the solid waste management system as described in the Local Solid Waste Management Plan; and


WHEREAS, UCRRA currently arranges for disposal of the County’s solid waste at the Seneca Meadows landfill in Waterloo, NY, 236 miles from the UCRRA transfer facility in the Town of Ulster; and


WHEREAS, the continued availability of space at Seneca Meadows is uncertain, and in any event transport there is relatively expensive and damaging to the environment; and


WHEREAS, a number of alternative solid waste management strategies may provide more efficient and reliable means of disposal, including self reliance, regionalization through cooperation with other counties, and alternative technologies, among others; and


WHEREAS, in 2019 the Ulster County Legislature adopted Resolution 451-19, which declared the County a Zero Waste Community and required the County to research measures to reduce the generation of waste by the County and its constituent residents, businesses and municipalities; and


WHEREAS, UCRRA, is responsible for the development of the County’s Local Solid Waste Management Plan; and


WHEREAS, the goals of the County’s Local Solid Waste Management Plan are to:


1. Reduce waste generation to move toward zero waste.


2. Use materials in the waste stream for highest and best use.


3. Maximize reuse and recycling


4. Engage state agencies, authorities, businesses, institutions, and residents in sustainable materials management programs.


5. Maximize the amount of energy recovered from the materials managed.


6. Engage manufacturers in end-of-life management of the products and packages they put in the marketplace with product stewardship programs.


7. Encourage self-reliance and sustainability at the local level.


8. Empower consumers to be accountable by encouraging smart purchasing, local purchasing and maintenance (i.e. Repair Cafes).


9. Develop a solid waste management system that is sustainable and enables Ulster County to be self-reliant and responsible for the whole waste cycle.; and


WHEREAS the County Legislature is the policymaking body for the county and has approval authority over the draft Local Solid Waste Management Plan and over any UCRRA bonding of more than $500,000; and


WHEREAS UCRRA retained Cornerstone, PLLC (“Cornerstone”) as its engineering and technical advisor in preparing the Local Solid Waste Management Plan; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature created the Solid Waste Planning Commission, which includes six members of the Legislature and 3 UCRRA Board members to cooperate and coordinate on reviewing available strategies for solid waste management, including reviewing the Local Solid Waste Management Plan; and


WHEREAS, Cornerstone submitted a final Local Solid Waste Management Plan for Ulster County to the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for approval on behalf of the UCRRA; and


WHEREAS, DEC approved the Local Solid Waste Management Plan in May, 2020; and


WHEREAS, the final Local Solid Waste Management Plan was adopted by the UCRRA Board of Directors at their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 2, 2020; and





WHEREAS in June, 2020 the Solid Waste Planning Commission reviewed the Local Solid Waste Management Plan and has written to the UCRRA to request UCRRA’s commitment to review waste diversion strategies and alternative technologies to approach Zero Waste not covered in the Local Solid Waste Management Plan, and to collaboratively develop a comprehensive Zero Waste Action Plan; and


WHEREAS, UCRRA has committed to review zero waste strategies and alternative technologies not covered in the Local Solid Waste Management Plan; and


WHEREAS, the Local Solid Waste Management Plan is subject to review and amendment every two years, and the UCRRA will submit biennial updates to the New York State Department of Enviornmental Conservation and shall also file a copy of each update with the Clerk of the Legislture upon submitting such; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature and the UCRRA agree on the importance of a self-reliant and environmentally responsible solid waste system for the County; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that that the Ulster County Legislature hereby approves and adopts the Local Solid Waste Management Plan,


and move its adoption.                                                                              





AYES:                     NOES:    



Passed Committee: Energy and Environment on _______________.










Current Text: PDF


Updated: September 22, 2020

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
