Resolution No. 265

Requesting That The New York State Assembly And New York State Senate Introduce Legislation Amending New York Public Authorities Law Article 8, Title 13 G, Section 2050-t (3) To Include Recycling Material

Resolution Information

No Action Taken In Committee



Referred to: The Energy and Environment Committee (Chairwoman Wawro and

Legislators Bartels, Greene, Joseph Maloney, and Woltman)

Legislator Tracey A. Bartels offers the following:

 WHEREAS, on December 12, 2012, the Ulster County Legislature adopted

Resolution No. 278, requesting that the New York State Assembly and New York

State Senate enact legislation amending Public Authorities Law Article 8, Title 13 G,

Section 2050-t (3) to remove certain language; and

 WHEREAS, to date, such request has not been granted; and

WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature remains desirous to include

recycling materials on the list of waste items that may be subjected to a flow control

program to help ensure the safe disposal and recycling of waste generated within

Ulster County; and

 WHEREAS, the following language within Article 8, Title 13 G, Section

2050-t(3) is apparently unique to the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency in

that said language excludes scrap and other material of value separated from the

waste stream for purposes of recycling from the definition of “solid waste” that is

used in said section of law; and

 WHEREAS, said language appears to preclude the Ulster County Resource

Recovery Agency from embarking upon various recycling recovery programs; and


 WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature supports an amendment to Public

Authorities Law Article 8, Title 13 G, Section 2050-t (3) to remove the following

language: “but shall not include any scrap or other material of value separated

from the waste stream and held for purposes of recycling” from that section of

law. (A copy of proposed Title 13 G Section 2050-t (3) annexed); now, therefore be


 RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature hereby requests that the New

York State Assembly and New York State Senate enact legislation amending Public

Authorities Law Article 8, Title 13 G, Section 2050-t (3) and remove “but shall not

include any scrap or other material of value separated from the waste stream

and held for purposes of recycling” from that section of law; and be it further 


 RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature shall forward

copies of this resolution to Governor Andrew Cuomo, DEC Commissioner Joe

Martens, the representatives of Ulster County in the New York State Legislature, the

leaders of all Ulster County municipalities, and the Board and Executive Director of

the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency,

and moves its adoption.





No Action Taken in Committee: Energy and Environment on June 7, 2018

Passed Committee: Energy and Environment on _____________.



Current Text: PDF


Updated: February 4, 2019

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
