Resolution Information
Referred to: The Laws, Rules and Government Services Committee (Chairman Heppner and Legislators Gavaris, Levine, Roberts, and Ronk)
Minority Leader Kenneth J. Ronk, Jr. offers the following:
WHEREAS,the Ulster County Legislature is responsible for decision making that can be complex and have significant impacts on the people of Ulster County; and
WHEREAS,to provide the best solutions and outcomes, it is essential that the members of the body be able to ask questions, consider all opinions, hear all relevant concerns and have the ability to ask for clarity when necessary; and
WHEREAS, protecting and codifying the ability for legislators to question another member of the body as part of structured deliberative debate occurring at the Legislature’s monthly meeting is essential to a successful process; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Rule 10.Monthly And Special Meetings; Notice; Rules Of Order., Section S. Speaker to be Recognized by Chair. is hereby amended to read as follows:
S. Speaker to be Recognized by Chair. No member wishing to speak shall proceed until he/she shall have addressed the Chairperson from his/her place and shall have been recognized by the Chairperson.
Any member shall have the right to question another member. Through the Chair, a member may ask any other member a question on the current motion, resolution, or local law. Asking the question(s) and providing the answer(s) thereof shall be counted against the questioning member’s five minute limit.
and, be it further
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Rule 2, entitled “AMENDMENT OF RULES,” of the Rules of Order of the Ulster County Legislature, this resolution and the amendment proposed herein shall be read at two consecutive meetings of the Ulster County Legislature; and, be it further
RESOLVED, that this rule change shall take effect upon an affirmative vote of this body subsequent to two consecutive readings,
and moves its adoption.
Passed Committee: Laws, Rules and Government Services on ____________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: October 17, 2023
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no voteCommittee Vote to Postpone Resolution No. 554
Committee Vote to Adopt Resolution No. 554