Resolution Information
Resolution No. 10 April 15, 2014
Opposing The Granting Of A PILOT Agreement By The Ulster
County Industrial Development Agency For The Park Point New
Paltz Application
Referred to: The Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit
Committee (Chairman Thomas J. Briggs and Legislators Allen, Archer, Litts, Maio,
Maloney, and Rodriguez)
Legislator Kenneth Wishnick and Legislators Bartels, Gregorius, Rodriguez and
Provenzano offer the following:
WHEREAS, Park Point New Paltz, LLC ("Applicant") is seeking to build and
operate a $56 million housing development ("the Project") for students, faculty and
staff adjacent to, but independent from, SUNY New Paltz- including 258 apartments
to house 696 students in 10 buildings, a clubhouse and a pool; and
WHEREAS, Applicant is a multibillion dollar corporation that will operate
under a long term land lease with the SUNY New Paltz Foundation which obtained
this parcel from a private company to enable this intended use; and
WHEREAS, Applicant is requesting tax waivers through a Payment In Lieu
Of Taxes (PILOT) Agreement with the Ulster County Industrial Development
Agency (“UCIDA”) which would save the Applicant approximately $32 million that
would otherwise be utilized by the Town of New Paltz, the New Paltz Independent
School District and Ulster County for the purpose of providing essential local
services; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes to create a total of only eight new full
time jobs over the term of the Project which equates to $4 million in property tax
subsidies for each new long term job created; and
WHEREAS, the Project is proposed to be operated by the Applicant under a
46 year lease agreement, after which the ownership reverts to the non-profit, taxexempt SUNY New Paltz Foundation, ensuring that the Project will not be a long
term tax-paying entity; and
WHEREAS, the Town of New Paltz, the New Paltz Central School District
and the Town of Gardiner are in opposition to the granting of this PILOT; and
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Resolution No. 10 April 15, 2014
Opposing The Granting Of A PILOT Agreement By The Ulster
County Industrial Development Agency For The Park Point New
Paltz Application
WHEREAS, removing future property tax income against the official
positions of local taxing jurisdictions for a project that only creates a minimal
number of long-term jobs runs contrary to the UCIDA's mission which is to advance
job opportunities, general prosperity and the long-term economic vitality of Ulster
County residents; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature joins the Town of New Paltz
and the New Paltz School Board in opposing the Park Point New Paltz application
for a 25 year PILOT tax exemption from the UCIDA; and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to each member of the
and move its adoption.
Postponed in Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning &
Transit on January 27, 2014.
Postponed in Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning &
Transit on February 4, 2014.
Postponed in Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning &
Transit on March 4, 2014.
Passed Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning & Transit
on _____________________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: October 27, 2020
Votes on this Resolution
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