Resolution No. 447.1

Requiring Advanced Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Training For All Ulster County Elected Officials

Resolution Information

Resolution No. 447



Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Collins, Hansut, Kovacs, Nolan, and Roberts)


Legislator Limina Grace Harmon offers the following:


WHEREAS, as defined by the Harvard Business School diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) comprises, “Diversity: The presence and participation of individuals with varying backgrounds and perspectives, including those who have been traditionally underrepresented, Equity: Equal access to opportunities and fair, just, and impartial treatment, Inclusion: A sense of belonging in an environment where all feel welcomed, accepted, and respected”; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature values a diverse county workforce inclusive of individuals of different socioeconomic backgrounds, national origins, ages, races, disabilities, ethnicities, sexual orientation, religions, and genders and gender identities; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature considers DEI principles to be key tools in creating a welcoming, supportive and respectful workplace which, in turn, promotes increased sensitivity and empathy in county employees thereby improving interaction with and the provision of services to Ulster County residents; and


WHEREAS, in furtherance of a commitment to DEI, in December 2019 the Ulster County Legislature adopted an amendment to the Executive’s Proposed 2020 County Budget creating a dedicated Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) position; and


WHEREAS, among the CDO’s primary responsibilities is the development of the county’s Diversity and Inclusion policy and goals, recommendations to department heads regarding inclusion programs for the workforce, research concerning diverse populations and the development of proposals and alternative approaches for meeting Civil Service needs, assist in employee recruitment practices and outreach, development of training opportunities for county department heads, management and employees, and development and maintenance of a system for reporting on the progress of the county’s DEI initiatives; and


WHEREAS, in 2023 the Ulster County Executive announced her commitment to creating a more diverse and inclusive county government, elevated the CDO position from the Personnel Department to a “cabinet-level” position within the Executive’s Office, and announced that the CDO would “… help to ensure that equity, diversity, and inclusion are guiding values in how we operate and what we do as a County government.”; and




WHEREAS, heated, divisive, and disrespectful behavior and speech, notably among elected officials, continues to increase in frequency and intensity nationally and in all levels of government, including in Ulster County; and


WHEREAS, these actions fuel hatred, division and discord in a person’s personal and well as professional life, infiltrate the workplace and foster environments in direct contrast to DEI ideologies; and


WHEREAS, as Ulster County’s elected leaders and lawmakers, it is imperative that DEI principles are understood, promoted and implemented at the highest levels of county government; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, advanced DEI training developed and coordinated by the Ulster County Diversity Officer shall be scheduled for and in cooperation with the Ulster County Executive, the members of the Ulster County Legislature, the Ulster County District Attorney, the Ulster County Sheriff, the Ulster County Clerk, and the Ulster County Comptroller, within 60 days of adoption of this Resolution; and, be it further


          RESOLVED, the Ulster County Diversity Officer shall file notification with the Office of the Clerk of the Legislature once training has been scheduled in compliance with this Resolution,


and move its adoption.





    AYES:                              NOES:      




Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ________________.






Current Text: PDF



Updated: August 27, 2024

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
