Resolution No. 132

Amending The 2023 - 2028 Capital Improvement Program - Establishing Capital Project No. 664 - ARPA Respite House Program- Amending 2023 Capital Fund Budget - Department Of Finance, Division Of Recovery And Resilience

Resolution Information

Withdrawn by Sponsor



Referred to:  The American Rescue Plan Act Special Committee (Chairman Criswell and Legislators Corcoran, Levine, Lopez, and Sperry), The Health, Human Services and Housing Committee (Chairman Uchitelle and Legislators Corcoran, Erner, Lopez, Nolan, Petit, and Stewart), The Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee (Chairwoman Petit and Legislators Fabiano, Erner, Litts, and Nolan), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Cahill, Roberts, Ronk, and Walter)


Chairman of the ARPA Special Committee, Peter J. Criswell, and Deputy Chair Thomas Corcoran, Jr., and Legislators Greene and Hansut offer the following:


WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the CountyExecutiveonbehalfDepartment of Finance, Division of Recovery and Resilience;and


WHEREAS,pursuant to Resolution No. 333 of August 2021 theUlsterCountyLegislaturecreated Capital Project No. 598, entitled “ARP Mental Health and Addiction Recovery”, with an anticipated allocation in the amount of $5,000,000.00; and


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 333 required that funding for capital project number 598 shall be subject to the further approval of the Ulster County Legislature; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature passed Resolution No. 425 on October 19, 2021 requiring that, ‘it shall be the policy of Ulster County to have 7-10 day Respite Houses in Ulster County, geographically spread out across the county, providing a minimum of eight beds overall, available to any resident of Ulster County ages 18 years old and over, with staffing for each home to include: administrative staff, crisis specialists, case managers, and administrative support”; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature passed Resolution No. 28 on February 15, 2022, requiring that, “in order to implement the Respite House policy, funding in the amount of $1,500,000 shall be designated from the $5,000,000.00 allocated for the purpose of addressing the need for enhanced Mental Health and Addiction Recovery services throughout Ulster County”; and


WHEREAS, as Capital Project No. 598 for, “ARP Mental Health and Addiction Recovery”, encompassed multiple projects this resolution seeks to create a new capital project specific to the Respite House Program for enhanced transparency and financial oversight; and



WHEREAS, Ulster County wishes to move forward and utilize funds to implement the Respite House Program in accordance with previously approved Resolution 425 of 2021 and Resolution 28 of 2022; and therefore be it


RESOLVED, that the 2023-2028 Ulster County Capital Improvement Program is amended as follows:


                                                            CREATE                                       AMOUNT


Capital Project No. 664                   Respite House Program                  $1,500,000.00


and, be it further,


            RESOLVED, that the 2023 Ulster County Capital Fund budget is hereby amended as follows:


                                                            INCREASE                                       AMOUNT                                             

HH.4997.0644.2300.2560              Building Acquisitions and              $1,500,000.00

(App. #)                                             Renovations


HH.4997.0644.3400.4495              Federal Aid, ARPA                          $1,500,000.00

(Rev. #)                                                                                 


and move its adoption.





AYES:                    NOES:           



Passed Committee: American Rescue Plan Act on ______________.


Passed Committee: Health, Human Services and Housing on ______________.


Passed Committee: Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation on ______________.



Passed Committee:  Ways and Means on ______________.






Current Text: PDF


Updated: April 3, 2023

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
Wed, Mar 29, 2023 2022-2023 Term: American Rescue Plan Act Special Committee
Committee Vote to Postpone Resolution No. 132
