Resolution Information
Referred to: The Energy and Environment Committee (Chairwoman Greene and Legislators Bruno, Criswell, Petit, and Wawro)
Legislator Laura Petit offers the following:
WHEREAS, the residents and businesses of Ulster County currently generate approximately 130,000-135,000 tons of solid waste annually; and
WHEREAS, Ulster County is in the process of reviewing the revised Ten-Year Solid Waste Management Plan and understands that materials management poses a real and increasing threat to our local and global environments and economy; and
WHEREAS, diversion and reduction of solid waste should be a fundamental component of solid waste management under the new plan; and
WHEREAS, a detailed plan for diversion and reduction of solid waste remains to be planned and adopted to implement the plan; and
WHEREAS, as stated by the US Conference of Mayors the concept of zero waste goes beyond recycling and composting at the end of a product's life cycle, to encompass the entire life cycle of a product, beginning with product design, and envisioning the use and management of materials in ways that preserve value, minimize environmental impacts, and conserve natural resources; and
WHEREAS, materials management through zero waste can reduce the fiscal burden of waste management and improve the quality of the environment; and
WHEREAS, Ulster County adopted a Zero Waste Policy in November of 2019 making a commitment to materials management and zero waste which will contribute substantially to other community objectives and competitively position the County for funding through New York State Department of the Environment (hereinafter referred to as NYSDEC) Consolidation Funding Applications and other applicable future federal grant opportunities, such as Environmental Protection Agency Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention which will reduce waste disposal costs while improving operational efficiency of an aging infrastructure and reduce the need for limited landfill space; and
WHEREAS, Ulster County has established itself as an energy and environmental leader through policies, resolutions and local laws including those establishing bans on plastic foam take out containers and single use bags; policies on single use straws, plastic ware and condiment packages; and the adoption of the Climate Smart Pledge; and
WHEREAS, the adoption of the attached Zero Waste Action Plan is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act as a preliminary planning processes necessary to the formulation of a proposal for action, which does not commit any agency to commence, engage in or approve any such action; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature hereby adopts the attached Zero Waste Action Plan; and, be it further
RESOLVED, Ulster County’s contract with the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency be amended to include the Zero Waste Implementation Plan as a stand alone document to be implemented with the Ten-Year Solid Waste Management Plan and work cooperatively with similar task forces and organizations within Ulster County and in neighboring communities to ensure that efforts complement and reinforce one another,
and move its adoption.
Passed Committee: Energy and Environment on _____________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: September 24, 2020
Supporting Documents
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no voteCommittee Vote to Postpone Resolution No. 265.1