Resolution Information
Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Cahill, Criswell, Roberts, and Ronk)
Legislator Kathy Nolan offers the following:
WHEREAS, Ulster County has enacted policies to govern its operations and activities on its properties; and
WHEREAS, Ulster County’s policies enacted prior to the date of adoption of this resolution, governing environmental, public health, economic, and other matters are being compiled, and this compilation will be updated as new policies are adopted; and
WHEREAS the explicit and implicit intention of these policies is to make and keep Ulster County a leader in environmental stewardship of county buildings and property; protect the health of employees, elected officials, the public, and all those who interact with the county in its buildings and on its properties; and promote other ecological, economical, community, human rights, and health benefits; and
WHEREAS vendors doing business with the county should adhere to these policies while in county buildings and on county property; and
WHEREAS vendors doing business with the county should adhere to these policies to the maximum extent possible when working for the county in settings that are not owned by the county; and
WHEREAS Ulster County should notify venders doing business with the county or seeking to do business with the county of each of these policies relevant to the vendors contractual relation with the county and of the requirement for vendors to adhere to such policies; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Ulster County establishes as policy that all present and future vendors be notified at the earliest possible point and in all contractual agreements of their need to comply with all Ulster County policies relevant to their interaction with the county; and be it further
RESOLVED, that Ulster County will require compliance with all Ulster County policies by vendors operating in or on county buildings and properties, with compliance to be enforced by the Ulster County Executive through the Purchasing Department and departments having oversight of particular contracts, and with cancellation of purchases or contracts being the penalty for failing to comply; and, be it further
RESOLVED, that Ulster County will not grant any waiver from the county’s policies without a two-thirds vote of the Ulster County legislature in support of such waiver; and, be it further
RESOLVED, that Ulster County will provide notice of these policies on the county’s website and in all announcements, including contracts, procurement requests, and requests for proposal; and be it further
RESOLVED that this policy takes effect immediately upon adoption, except that a grace period of up to six months may be offered to all current vendors to encourage coming into compliance,
and move its adoption.
Passed Committee: Ways and Means on ____________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: February 28, 2024
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no vote...