Resolution No. 251

SPONSOR REQUESTS MAY INTRODUCTION- Amending The Rules Of Order To Set Procedure For Memorializing Resolutions

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Laws and Rules, Governmental Services Committee (Chairman

Roberts and Legislators Belfiglio, Donaldson, R. Parete and Rodriguez)

Legislator Richard A. Parete offers the following:

WHEREAS, Monthly Legislative Session is conducted to consider and act on

legislation that has a direct and significant impact on our County; and

WHEREAS, the Monthly Legislative Session agendas are often lengthy and

contain required business that often generates meaningful debate that involves

substantial time; and

WHEREAS, Memorializing Resolutions can take an extraordinary amount of

time to debate on the floor; and

WHEREAS, there are other methods of addressing issues of a memorializing

nature that can have the same, if not stronger effect, as a Regular Resolution; and

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Ulster County Legislature to amend Rule 3

of the Rules of Order of the Ulster County Legislature to set procedure for

memorializing resolutions, adding C (c); now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that Rule 3. Resolutions, Local Laws, Rules For Procedure for

Presentation and Consideration, Section C. Procedure for the submission and

consideration of Resolutions in Committee, is hereby amended to include an

additional subsection (c) to read as follows:

(c). Memorializing Resolutions. Any resolution which memorializes the New York

State Legislature, Congress of the United States, or any other legislative body to

take an action which will not require a home rule message, shall be referred to the

Clerk of the Legislature for the purpose of reading as a communication. The

resolution shall then be labeled a petition by Ulster County Legislators, and shall be

sent electronically to all members of the Ulster County Legislature. Any member

who desires to register their support or opposition to the petition may sign the same,

indicating their support or opposition. A Legislator may in the alternative elect not to

sign the petition. Thirty days from the date of the electronic communication, or

sooner if time requires, the Clerk shall forward the signed petition with the

following language to the appropriate legislative body and public officials: “The

enclosed petition represents the opinion of those members of the Ulster County

Legislature signing the same regarding the contents of subject matter of the



and, be it further

RESOLVED, that pursuant to Rule 2, entitled “AMENDMENT OF RULES,”

of the Rules of Order of the Ulster County Legislature, this resolution and the

amendment proposed herein shall be read at two consecutive meetings of the Ulster

County Legislature, and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this rule change shall take effect upon an affirmative vote

of this body subsequent to two consecutive readings,

and moves its adoption.





Passed Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on _______________.



Current Text: PDF


Updated: February 29, 2024

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
