Ulster County is rich with fun activities all year long and beautiful scenic vistas. Chairman John Parete wants to see your photos capturing this and share them with all of Ulster County by selecting one as the cover photo of the 2015 County Directory. One photo will be chosen that represents all that is Ulster County - its glorious landscapes, the splendor in a day of fun and locations that keep people coming back for more.
Past covers have been graced with the work of gifted Ulster County photographers, both amateur and professional, and even a County Legislator or two, who all began taking photos as a hobby. For a slide show of some prior directory covers, visit the Legislature’s website at http://ulstercountyny.gov/news/legislature/.
The rules for the 2015 photo contest are simple: photos for the contest can be of any season, subject or event, as long as it was taken in Ulster County by an Ulster County resident.
In addition to the winner’s photo being selected for the cover of the 2015 County Directory, some of the runners-up will be featured on the County Legislature’s web site.
Original high-resolution photographs, taken in Ulster County, NY, should be submitted in a .jpg or .tif format with the photographer’s name, address, phone and email and a description of the photograph to Chairman@co.ulster.ny.us. Photographs chosen for the cover or as a runner up will be acknowledged with a photo credit in the directory, the website, and other fun ways.
Deadline for submission is November 14, 2014.