Ulster County Legislature Delivers Letter to New York City DEP Commissioner Regarding Turbid Ashokan Discharges

Posted April 2, 2021

Kingston, NY – Legislators Brian Cahill and Herbert Litts, III, the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Ulster County Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit Committee, joined by 21 members of the Ulster County Legislature, delivered a letter to Vincent Sapienza, Commissioner of New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) detailing ongoing adverse effects created by turbid water releases from the Ashokan Reservoir into the Esopus Creek.

Cahill stated "Turbid water discharges have been an issue for the Towns along the Lower Esopus for over a decade. It is imperative that we continue to advocate for Ulster County and hold the NYC DEP to their word that they will be a 'good neighbor and partner with upstate communities'."

The letter will also be submitted to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation as public comment for the NYC DEP's current application to amend their Catalum SPDES Permit (Permit No. 026 4652). 

The full letter is available HERE
