Ulster County Legislative Chairman Kenneth Ronk, Jr. Announces Vice Chairman and Standing Committee Appointments For 2018

Posted January 22, 2018

(Kingston, NY)  Ken Ronk, Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature, announced the 2018 Standing Committee assignments highlighting his efforts to work across party lines by appointing Committee Chairs and making committee assignments in a bipartisan manner.  Ronk broke with tradition two years ago by appointing minority members as Chairs of Standing Committees.

“Everyone gives lip service to the desire for bipartisanship but I think it is important to put words into action,” said Ronk. “I am continuing to make appointments based on knowledge and know-how, regardless of any political affiliations.”

Ronk explained that the goal of the appointment process is to ensure the right people are in the right place. He noted that there was also an effort to have both seasoned and new legislators on each of the committees. Once he determined the Committee Chairs he relied heavily on the recommendations of Majority Leader Mary Beth Maio and Minority Leader Hector Rodriguez for the remainder of the committee assignments. 

“I am honored that my friend and colleague, James Maloney, has agreed to serve as Vice Chairman of the Legislature and Chairman of Economic Development Committee again this term,” said Ronk.  “Jim was the obvious choice, having more experience in these positions than any other sitting Legislator.”  

In addition to the Standing Committees, Chairman Ronk announced that District 9 Legislator Herbert Litts, III will be Chair of the Legislature’s Audit Committee.  “Herb brings a wealth of practical experience in government oversight and I am proud to have him take the lead on this important committee,” said Ronk.  Majority Leader Maio, Minority Leader Rodriguez, Ways and Means Chairman Richard Gerentine and District 16 Legislator Tracey Bartels will round out the committee.

Ronk is optimistic that each of these committees will work well together and build upon the successes of the past two years by holding the line on property taxes, creating public and private partnerships and finding innovative solutions to the issues facing the citizens and taxpayers of Ulster County.

“I am fortunate to be Chair of the Legislature at a time when we have so many outstanding individuals serving,” Ronk said, “and I will continue to look past party lines to ensure we get the best from both sides of the aisle.”






To set legislative policy and review contracts for all aspects of Economic Development, Tourism, and Planning. Responsible for issues pertaining to:  Ulster County Industrial Development Agency, Ulster County Planning Department, Revolving Loan Fund Committee, Shovel Ready Committee, Office of Economic Development, Employment and Training, Public Transportation, Technology and the Department of Information Services.  To foster relations with the County and local Chambers of Commerce.

James F. Maloney, Chairman        

Hector Rodriguez­­­­­­­­­­­­­­, Deputy Chairman       
Lynn Archer
James Delaune
Herbert Litts. III
Mary Beth Maio
Brian Woltman

Scheduled Meetings are the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:15 PM or immediately following the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee Meeting (*except where noted):

*1/31; 3/6; 4/3; 5/1; 6/5; 7/3; *7/31; 9/4; 10/2; 11/6; 12/4



To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the Department of the Environment, Environmental Management Council, Fish and Wildlife Management Board, Forest Practice Board, and Soil and Water Conservation District, including the protection of water ways and the County’s recycling efforts.  To set policy and review contracts pertaining to but not limited to the activities of the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency.

 Mary Wawro, Chairman

Tracey Bartels, Deputy Chairman


Manna Jo Greene

Joseph Maloney

Brian Woltman

Scheduled Meetings are the 1st Thursday of the month at 5:30 PM (*except where noted):

2/1; *3/8; 4/5; 5/3; 6/7; 7/5; 8/2; 9/6; 10/4; *11/8; 12/6



To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments: Ulster County Sheriff and the Law Enforcement Center, Probation, Emergency Communications/Emergency Management, Arson Task Force, Traffic Safety, Fire Coordinator, STOP DWI, District Attorney, Consumer Fraud Bureau, Safety and Public Defender.


Mary Beth Maio, Chairman

Julius Collins, Deputy Chairman

Lynn Eckert

Dean Fabiano

Heidi Haynes

Scheduled Meetings are the 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM (*except where noted):

*1/31; 3/6; 4/3; 5/1; 6/5; 7/3; *7/31; 9/4; 10/2; 11/6; 12/4



To set policy and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments: Office of Accountability, Compliance and Efficiency, Board of Elections, County Attorney, County Comptroller, Weights and Measures, Human Rights and Insurance. To oversee Legislative policy and revisions the Legislature wants to see implemented in the Ulster County Charter and the Administrative Code. To review and maintain the Rules of the Legislature and to review and approve all local laws for legal sufficiency only, unless Laws and Rules, Governmental Services is the committee of original jurisdiction.  To approve all late resolutions, considering lateness and content prior to submittal to the full Legislature.  To approve resolutions required to be referred to it under the Rules of the Legislature.                    


Kevin A. Roberts, Chairman                     

David Donaldson, Deputy Chairman

Heidi Haynes

Jonathan Heppner

James Maloney

Scheduled Meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 PM (*except where noted):

*2/12; 3/19; 4/16; *5/14; 6/18; 7/16; *8/13; 9/17; 10/15; 11/19; 12/17



To set policy and review contracts pertaining and related to the following:  Arts, Ulster County Community College, Historian, Libraries, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Community Action, Office for the Aging, Youth Bureau, and Veterans Affairs.


David B. Donaldson, Chairman

Heidi Haynes, Deputy Chairman

Julius Collins

James Delaune

Lynn Eckert

Mary Wawro

Brian Woltman

Scheduled Meetings are the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 PM at Ulster County Community College (*except where noted):

*2/8 at 5:30PM; 3/12; 4/9; *5/7; 6/11; 7/9; *8/6; 9/10; TBD; TBD; 12/10



To set policy for and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments:  Health, Mental Health, and Social Services.


Craig V. Lopez, Chairman                          

Kathy Nolan, Deputy Chairman             

Joseph Maloney

Laura Petit

Mary Wawro

Scheduled Meetings are the 1st Monday of the month at 5:30 PM (*except where noted):

*2/7; 3/5; 4/2; *4/30; 6/4; 7/2; *7/30; TBD; 10/1; 11/5; 12/3



To set policy for and review contracts pertaining to the following County Departments:  Public Works (including Parks, Highways, and Buildings and Grounds), Transportation and Capital Projects.


Dean Fabiano, Chairman    

Manna Jo Greene, Deputy Chairman               

Herbert Litts, III 

Kathy Nolan

Kevin Roberts

Scheduled Meetings are the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM (*except where noted):

*2/1 at 6:30 PM; 3/7; 4/4; 5/2; 6/6; TBD; 8/1; 9/5; 10/3; 11/7; 12/5



To recommend the Legislature’s position on all budgetary and financial matters of the County. To review contracts pertaining to the following departments:  County Clerk, Finance, Personnel, Purchasing, and Real Property Tax Services.  To approve all resolutions with financial impacts to the County, excluding those financial impacts limited solely to legislative advertising expenses;


Richard A. Gerentine, Chairman

Laura Petit, Deputy Chairman       

Lynn Archer

Tracey A. Bartels

Craig Lopez 

James F. Maloney

Joseph Maloney


Scheduled Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:00 PM and 3rd Tuesday of the month at


5:30 PM (*except where noted):


*2/6 and 2/13; 3/13 and 3/20; 4/10 and 4/17; 5/8 and 5/15; 6/12 and 6/19; 7/10 and 7/17; *8/7 and 8/14; *9/12 and 9/20; 10/9 and 10/16; 11/13 and 11/20; 12/11 and 12/18




Meeting dates and/or times are subject to change. If you have any questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact the Legislative office at:  (845) 340-3900 or via email (chairman[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us).