The statements below reflect the Legislators’ positive reflection on the inclusion of universal pre-kindergarten in Governor Cuomo’s 2014-2015 Executive Budget.
Chairman of the Ulster County Legislature, John Parete, commends Governor Cuomo's decision to make full-day pre-kindergarten available to school districts statewide. "Pre-k programs are vital because it creates a strong foundation for every child - regardless of their family wealth or ability to pay. Early childhood education may very well be our society's most important investment. This important decision will contribute to the physical, emotional and social development of a child", stated Chairman Parete.
"Availability of preschool education is also one strong predictor of differences of test scores across nations. Study after study has shown that Universal Preschool education increases school-appropriate behavior and cognitive abilities, both of which contribute to increased test scores, which in turn helps reduce the education and wealth gap between the various populations within a society." added David Donaldson, Chairman of the Ulster County Legislative Program, Education and Community Services committee.