Soil & Water Conservation District offers 4 Hour Training in Erosion & Sediment Control

Posted September 6, 2019

N E W S     R E L E A S E                                            


Soil & Water Conservation District offers 4 Hour Training in Erosion & Sediment Control


   The Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District, in partnership with the Ulster County Department of the Environment, is offering a NYS-DEC endorsed four hour training on Wednesday November 20, 2019, from 9am to 1pm at SUNY Ulster in Stone Ridge. This training must be taken every three years by contractors and subcontractors to remain in compliance with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s SPDES General Permit for storm-water discharges caused by construction activity. State law requires that construction related firms must have one trained contractor on site on a daily basis when soil disturbing activities are being performed. This training covers the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control endorsed by the NYS-DEC, and which are specified in the general permit. Pre-registration is required, and the class will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. The course cost is $50/person. For more information, please call the Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District for an order form, telephone: (845) 883-7162 ext. 6085, or stop by the office located at the 5 Park Lane, in Highland, open weekdays from 8AM to 4:30PM.  Order forms can also be downloaded from the District website at .
