Posted January 23, 2017

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 January 23, 2017


Today, Ulster County Legislator Jonathan Heppner (D-23, Woodstock and Hurley) introduced a Memorializing Resolution that would establish Ulster County's opposition to a repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA, Obamacare). Legislator Heppner, a member of County Legislature's Public Health and Social Services Committee, highlighted a recent report from New York State that estimates almost 20,000 residents in Ulster County would be at-risk of losing their health care. Additionally, Ulster County would face losing almost $3 million dollars in additional federal Medicaid funding through the Affordable Care Act.


"These are real people and families in Ulster County who would be impacted if President Trump and Paul Ryan move forward with their plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act," said Legislator Heppner. "These are children and adults with preexisting conditions now covered, young adults just graduating college who have been able to stay on their parent's insurance plan, families that have avoided bankruptcy due to a medical emergency or long term illness and women who no longer have to pay more for health care than men. It's important that Ulster County makes its voice heard on an issue that would have a serious and direct impact on our county and I hope the Republican Majority in the County Legislature will join in a bipartisan effort to move this Resolution forward. The people of Ulster County deserve to know whether or not we are willing to stand-up for their health and well-being."


Full text of the Resolution is below. 





Resolution No. 15        February 15, 2017

Opposing The Repeal Of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act



Referred to: The Public Health and Social Services Committee (Chairman Lopez and Legislators Allen, Belfiglio, Heppner, and Roberts)


Legislator Jonathan R. Heppner offers the following:


WHEREAS, profound social, demographic, technological, and political changes have swept across the United States during the tenure of the 44th President, including important shifts in government policy and public opinion; and  


WHEREAS, it is imperative that the nation continues to advance and embrace change in the form of legislation such as the Affordable Care Act, ACA, which makes healthcare and health insurance more affordable and more available to more Americans; and 


WHEREAS, since 2010, 19.2 million people have gained health insurance and the uninsured rate has dropped 38%; and


WHEREAS, under the new Administration, the ACA is likely to be irresponsibly repealed without a replacement plan in place; and 


WHEREAS, if the ACA is fully repealed, 23.1 million people could lose their health insurance, including 1.4 million young adults on parents’ plans; and


WHEREAS, a repeal of the ACA would have detrimental effects on the residents of New York and Ulster County, as an estimated 2.7 million New Yorkers would lose coverage, including 19,850 individuals in Ulster County; and


WHEREAS, the estimated direct New York State budget impact of the repeal is $3.7 billion; and 


WHEREAS, a repeal would result in a total loss of $595 million in additional federal Medicaid funding currently available through the ACA, which goes directly to New York counties and helps to lower property taxes; and 


WHEREAS, Ulster County would lose $2,935,566 in allocated annual funding; and 


WHEREAS, only 26% of Americans want to see the ACA fully repealed; and 


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature believes the health and civil rights of Americans should never be at risk; now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, the Ulster County Legislature opposes any effort to repeal or weaken the Affordable Care Act; and be it further


RESOLVED, the Ulster County Legislature further opposes any similar measure that unnecessarily causes a massive increase in the deficit, reduces consumer rights and protections, and puts the health of the American people at risk; and be it further


RESOLVED, the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature shall forward copies of this resolution to U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Congressman John Faso, Hon. Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC), 


and move its adoption.




AYES:                      NOES:     



Passed Committee: Public Health and Social Services on ______________.