Legislative Chairman’s Statement on the Inclusion of Election Cost Takeover and Alternative Fuel Pilot Program in the County Executive’s 2015 Budget Proposal

Posted October 2, 2014

In my brief time as Chairman, I find this very predictable, yet I am thrilled to see the County Executive has come on board and recognized these as County priorities by including them in the 2015 Budget proposal.

I twice attempted to pass County policy for the take-over of local election costs from the municipalities and twice, was rebuffed with concerns of no money in the budget to allow such take-over.  Recently, I introduced a proposed Resolution encouraging the Executive to explore alternative fuels through pilot programs.  The Executive’s staff responded with a myriad reasons why that was not a viable option, including lack of funding.

I am ecstatic that the yearlong saga and a fairytale of budget crisis is finally over and that the rewards can go to the rightful owners – the taxpayers of Ulster County.  In the words of my good friend, Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, I don't govern with spin, I govern with substance.